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Sample incentive websites

Sample incentive websites

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In a recognition and rewards incentive program, "monetary" employee incentives don't actually have to be money, either. For that reason, this strategy is a core element of almost all impactful employee incentive programs.

But experts agree that the total cost of recruitment for higher-impact positions could be up to four times a year's salary.

Not even half. The numbers don't lie, either. Since they're already acquainted with at least one member of the current team, they have a higher chance of fitting in with their peers, feeling comfortable in the workplace, and enjoying their day-to-day responsibilities.

The less it feels like work, the more motivated and productive they are. Profit sharing is typically an alternative to a k plan or retirement benefits, and it allows employees to benefit from your company's growth without sacrificing their own compensation.

In the context of an employee incentive program, profit sharing should be a part of your employee bonus program.

That way, you encourage employees to work toward the company's financial goals as an interconnected unit. High-performing enterprise sales reps love profit sharing the most—if they close a deal worth six or seven figures, there's a chance they walk away with a bonus worth more than their base salary.

We're not saying you should dangle health benefits over your employees' heads like they're a carrot on a stick. You definitely need health and wellness perks at the core of your employee benefits package. But you can use health and wellness incentives as an attractive add-on that gets your employees to put as much energy into their work as they do into their workouts.

Prioritizing mental health is another key responsibility for managers creating employee incentives. If your main objective is to boost employee morale, you could take a completely different approach to your incentive program. Offering rewards for biking to work, on-site health screenings, and incentivizing employees to quit smoking can help your employees see work in a more positive light and associate it with a healthier lifestyle, rather than one where they just sit at their desks all day.

Tuition reimbursement is increasingly be offered as part of a basic employee benefits package. There's a good chance you're employing at least a few of the If it isn't part of your regular benefits or you're reimbursing a limited amountyou should consider it for an employee incentive program.

There are a few times when reimbursement for education could be part of an impactful employee incentive program:. Some companies make it really simple—when employees hit certain performance targets, they'll receive a promotion. It isn't always that easy, but it also isn't the only way you can create incentive programs that focus on professional development.

At the end of the day, a promotion isn't always realistic or even desirable for some employees. But for almost all of themprofessional development is.

Instead, you should focus on creating opportunities that allow them to grow in their current positions or explore other roles within your organization. Salesforce and Adobe i. Within the two respective companies, employees are incentivized to hit milestones in their learning, ranging from completing modules to obtaining certifications.

For non-enterprise companies, a full-fledged platform isn't realistic. But mentorship programs, educational grants, and internal workshops are great incentives to offer your team members who want to learn and grow in their careers.

Monetary rewards will always be among the biggest motivating factors for employees — it's just a matter of balancing the budget and finding ways to give bonuses while remaining profitable.

Salary boosts are easily linked to KPIs and points-based metrics if you manage a commission-based team like sales or recruiting.

For instance, a sales rep could be eligible for promotion to an Account Executive once they hit a certain amount of lifetime revenue and complete certain activities e. For non-commission roles, create promotion plans with your team members and create similar contingencies i.

Regardless of salary boosts, you should still include percentage bonuses in your employees' total comp packages provided they hit the deliverables they're supposed to.

If you want to increase employee engagement, that is. For management, there's nothing more important than retaining top talent.

Exec leadership should continuously look at customer retention and satisfaction rates and create employee incentive programs that encourage them to stay with the company.

To measure your team's well-being and overall happiness at work, you can use questionnaires, the Employee Net Promoter Score NPSand gather qualitative information from one-on-ones. PTO is a fringe benefit you almost certainly already offer.

To compete with the "best" employers, your PTO allowance should already be at least a few weeks if not unlimited. An often-overlooked benefit of creating an incentive program around PTO is it encourages your employees to take more of it. Of those who do, over half report working while they're out of the office.

According to Replicon data, this equates to about million unused vacation days across the country, underscoring a critical gap in work-life balance. Regardless of whether or not employees take their time off, most workers say they'd be more motivated to work if they had more.

So putting extra PTO days up for grabs can definitely make for an effective employee incentive program while encouraging your whole team to take what's rightfully theirs. In the last few years, the ability to work from home has risen as one of the biggest non-monetary incentives. In many instances, it's actually considered more valuable than monetary bonuses—a substantial portion of the workforce would take a pay cut if they could work remotely.

If a team of remote workers doesn't suit your managerial beliefs or company needs, you can still create an employee incentive program that rewards high-performing employees with the trust and autonomy to work where they feel most comfortable.

This includes setting their working hours, letting them work from anywhere they want, or whatever other setup enables them to work more productively. Employee incentive plans are the best way to encourage better performance while engaging employees, but they can also be a huge challenge to implement.

Here are 5 best practices that will help you design and run successful incentive programs for your team:. Incentive plans have to be attainable—otherwise, you risk employees feeling discouraged or unmotivated. The best way to ensure employee engagement with your incentive program is to look at historical performance data.

Then, create a target that is slightly more challenging but still doable. Divide that by three and run a monthly incentive program that motivates them to push the envelope.

Employee incentive programs with complicated criteria or rewards that are too far out of reach can de-motivate employees. When you keep things simple, everyone will understand the conditions of your employee incentive program and know exactly what they need to do to receive their rewards.

When the winners are announced, everyone even those who didn't make it will see the program as fair. To reap all the benefits of employee incentive programs, you need to find out what motivates your team. A monetary incentive might only interest a few members of your team, while rewarding employees with additional PTO, a paid vacation, or health and wellness perks could yield higher engagement overall.

Sending out a survey to each team member ahead of time via Slack or email can help you get a better sense of what would motivate them and what wouldn't.

: Sample incentive websites

What are customer incentives?

In programs with a rewards menu, customers get to choose their reward rather than automatically receive a set customer incentive. Often, this structure is combined with a points system—once customers accumulate a certain number of points, they can select the reward of their choice from the menu.

Gift-with-purchase or gift-with-upgrade models also sometimes offer a choice of gifts from a rewards menu. Brands partner with other brands to offer their customers more value than they would on their own.

Members earn points and redeem them for a free night stay across 25, Wyndham hotels worldwide, based on their membership levels. The brand also works with other hotel brands. The users could then transfer their credits and enjoy benefits from either brand.

Often, this program will use other video game-style elements such as leaderboards, progress bars, achievements, and ranks that participants can advance through. This is an approach that uses several touch points in order to reward customers across multiple channels, spending in-store, on an app, sharing social media content, referrals, and reading emails.

The approach uses customer data to help personalize messaging and customer experiences. Here is where customers pay a fee and they receive several benefits. Customers join a sort of VIP membership club, where they receive benefits that other customers who have not subscribed to the club do not receive.

This program allows for benefits like fast shipping to street addresses bordering the US. It could be as fast as next day shipping.

Members can also order merchandise for delivery to other addresses other than their own for free. Other benefits include unlimited movie and TV show streaming commercial free , thousands of books that can be borrowed or read for free for those members who own Kindle devices, and even digital photo storage.

The benefits are clearly more than the users pay for in their annual subscription offering something of great value to the user. This reward program had over , subscribers less than 5 months after its launch in July Some of the benefits for AMC Stubs members include earning points on tickets, making free reservations online that allow you to watch movies in a variety of formats Dolby Cinema, RealD® and IMAX®.

This type of rewards program grants sweepstakes entries as incentives every time a brand-building action is performed, and promises a significant prize for the winner. Although not every person receives a tangible reward, the bigger incentive on offer for the winner effectively motivates your current and potential customers to participate.

Instead of offering direct incentives to participants, this type of program makes charitable donations as rewards. This works well for customers who love both choices and giving back. Customer loyalty programs reward existing customers for performing brand-building activities, to encourage them to stick with your business.

Structures of loyalty programs vary greatly — brands have used basically every customer incentive program structure covered above.

Referral rewards programs incentivize customers for sharing your brand with others on an individual basis. They usually grant the reward to the advocate when the referred friend makes their first purchase. The best customer referral programs also reward the referred friend as well, upon that first purchase.

Advocacy rewards programs are effective because they help you both motivate existing customers and gain new customers through rewards. But even though referral programs promote loyalty, referral programs and loyalty programs are vastly different.

As you may have noticed, even where specific reward program types have been used, there is integration with other types of reward programs.

It can difficult to exclusively use only one type. A combination of the different types will achieve more desirable results as we have already seen.

In this section, we will look at some of the highest performing customer reward programs. You could learn a thing or two that you can implement in your own program.

This program boasts of over 80 million active users. The CVS app has been downloaded over 19 million times. One in every 4 US households uses ExtraCare.

These statistics are a simple illustration of the kind of ROI a loyalty program can bring. The National Car Rental company rewards its users through the Emerald Exchange Club , which is a private, online community. The approach that the Emerald club is feedback from their customers about their Car Rental experiences , usually through photos and videos.

The members in exchange earn rental credits for qualified car rentals, a free rental day when they reach seven credits, and can get to choose any car midsize and above and pay the midsize rate, among other benefits. This is one of the most unique loyalty programs.

The customers, through the Common Threads Pledge buy pre-owned gear and re-sell it when they no longer need or want them. The initiative has over 70, subscribers, and over 57, items have been sold thus far. The initiative is also environmentally conscious which makes it even more appealing.

We have looked at various aspects of customer incentive programs: what they can do for you, the most popular rewards, the types of incentive programs, what your reward program should offer, and examples of reward programs with high ROI.

It is now time to start thinking about your reward program, and how it can best serve you and your customers. Be sure to weigh the pros and cons of customer incentives with the help of the linked article.

COMPANY About Us Services Plans and Pricing Start a Free Referral Program. All Rights Reserved. How It Works. Use Cases. Free consult. How it works for marketers. Launch a referral program in days, not months. Referral experience. Design an on-brand portal that makes sharing easy.

Reward management. Manage reward types, structures, and payout options. Onboarding services. Stand your program up faster with expert help. Customer Referral Programs.

Gain more brand awareness and referrals from your best customers through on-brand sharing experiences. Brand Ambassador Programs. Run a brand ambassador program with a variety of participants customers, partners, employees, and more.

Customer Stories. See how businesses across industries have grown referrals. See All Integrations. Live that automation dream with integrations for any type of business. Integration Docs. In-depth documentation about the types of integrations and the third-party guides. Product Guide.

The definitive guide to everything Referral Rock. Support Center. Product help documentation to answer just about any question.

In-depth technical guides for third-party systems. Marketing Blog. Read about referral and affiliate programs, growth marketing, and more. Referral Program Ultimate Guide.

Affiliate Marketing Ultimate Guide. Run an affiliate program that can multiply your sales and raise your bottom line. Start for free. Book a demo. Customer Loyalty. What can an incentive program do for your business? Need some ideas on how to start your incentive program?

We've got you covered. Plus, we've rounded up incentive program examples that have generated solid ROI. ON THIS PAGE. What are customer incentives? Some customer behaviors you could reward with incentives include: Making repeat purchases Writing reviews of your business Referring friends to your business Upgrading their plan Creating user-generated content Benefits of customer incentives Going back to that question, what exactly can a customer incentive program do for your business?

Customer incentives help promote customer loyalty. Incentives help you with customer data collection. Incentives for existing customers lead to increased revenues. Customer incentives can help you gather user-generated content.

If an incentive is worthwhile, it can attract new customers. What rewards should be in my customer incentive program?

For example: customers seeing that they can save money customers feeling that a brand truly understands and cares about them a program that is easy to access and use While these factors should be considered, it should be noted that the reward itself is still important.

Your reward program needs to give real rewards that customers can actually benefit from. To be motivated to participate, customers need to see the value that being part of your rewards program brings them, and how it saves them money. So, pick great incentives that they will want to earn!

Also, tying the reward back to your company such as by offering discounts, credits, and free products will give your customers even more incentive to purchase from you. Just be sure to know your audience and offer rewards that they see as valuable. For example, millennials value personalization and supporting causes, so they might be motivated by an opportunity to give back to a charity.

What are the most popular rewards? Cash back Discounts Store credits Free products Free or discounted upgrades Free shipping Gifts-with-purchase, or gifts-with-upgrade Branded swag Early access to new products Early or exclusive access to sales VIP access to unique branded experiences Gift cards to external businesses that your customer base appreciates Charitable donations Bonuses with purchase Free upgrades For a detailed breakdown of these iconic rewards, and others, check out our article on loyalty program incentives.

Creating an effective customer incentive program What other elements make rewards programs successful? Emotional connection Users need to emotionally connect with your reward program.

Personalization To some extent, personalization is a reward in itself. Mystery, wonder, and a sense of surprise There are many customer reward programs. Simplicity Your program needs to be simple to understand, sign up, and use.

Moreover, your program needs to be easy to use mobile devices, user-friendly, and seamless. Continuous participation You need to continuously engage your customers in order for them to continuously participate.

Better rewards for more loyal customers Your rewards should ideally get better as your customers become more loyal or active, since customer retention leads to a higher customer value.

Good customer support Users will not always fully understand your program, no matter how much you simplify it. What customer incentive program structures are there? Points-based reward programs This is the most popular rewards program type. Cash back Exactly as it sounds, this program rewards customers with a set amount of cash back i.

Rewards menu choice-centered program In programs with a rewards menu, customers get to choose their reward rather than automatically receive a set customer incentive. Partnership centered reward programs Brands partner with other brands to offer their customers more value than they would on their own.

Looking for another type of hotel incentive program? Learn about hotel referral programs. Omnichannel-based reward programs This is an approach that uses several touch points in order to reward customers across multiple channels, spending in-store, on an app, sharing social media content, referrals, and reading emails.

Fee-based programs Subscription programs Here is where customers pay a fee and they receive several benefits. Explore its extensive selection of gift cards and choose from a wide variety of experiences in your city or anywhere around the globe.

Incentivize your team with Bucketlist! Employee incentives are a great way to motivate and reward employee performance, boost morale, and promote employee retention. Employee incentive programs come in many different shapes and sizes, often tailored to meet the specific needs of each organization or employee group.

Monetary incentives are the most common employee incentive program and can include bonuses, raises, employee discounts, reimbursement of employee expenses, and other monetary rewards.

These types of employee incentives can be both immediate such as a bonus for completing a project on time or ongoing such as quarterly bonuses. Why this employee incentive works: Monetary incentives offer employees a tangible appreciation of their efforts and successes, acting as an influential motivator in the workplace.

These rewards can have powerful and far-reaching effects on employee morale and productivity. Why this employee incentive works: Celebrating employee accomplishments with non-monetary incentives is an affordable way to recognize them for all of their hard work, commitment, and achievements.

Experiential employee incentives are rewards that involve activities or experiences such as a team outing, a movie night, or special training.

These types of employee incentives are often designed to encourage employee connections, foster team-building skills, increase employee engagement , and reward employees in a unique way that goes beyond simple monetary rewards. Goal-oriented employee incentives provide an attractive reward for surpassing or meeting specific objectives.

This type of incentive program is not only a fantastic way to recognize and motivate employees, but can also be instrumental in fostering collaboration among teams. Goals could incorporate anything from productivity, client satisfaction, sales goals, or virtually any other metric that you choose to measure.

Why this employee incentive works: Goal-based employee incentives are effective because they provide a clear target for employees to strive towards and offer immediate recognition when the goal is achieved.

Lifestyle incentives are rewarding benefits and bonuses that far exceed the typical incentive plans. These can consist of discounted gym memberships, flexible schedules, or access to services like child care and pet care. Why this employee incentive works: Lifestyle benefits provide employees with additional resources and flexibility, empowering them to manage their personal lives and make the most of their time.

Creating a social responsibility incentive is an effective way to show appreciation for those who dedicate their time and energy to doing good in the community.

Such incentives may include volunteer programs, educational endeavors, or charitable donations; thereby recognizing and rewarding employees for participating in worthwhile causes that improve lives. Why this employee incentive works: Social employee incentives are powerful tools in motivating employees to contribute to their community.

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Examples of Successful Employee Incentives Programs Employee Incentive Programs Easily navigate the crowded vendor landscape Employee incentive programs offer benefits that motivate employees to meet specific goals. Additionally, collecting negative feedback can help reps learn and improve their customer service skills. The airline company EasyJet needed to bolster its numbers after a dramatic employee drop from the onset of the COVID pandemic. Other benefits include unlimited movie and TV show streaming commercial free , thousands of books that can be borrowed or read for free for those members who own Kindle devices, and even digital photo storage. Run a brand ambassador program with a variety of participants customers, partners, employees, and more. Sales slumps can be a challenging and frustrating time for any salesperson or team.
The importance of employee incentive programs

Retirement plans can be in the form of both a k plan and an employer match plan. Employers use dearness allowance to raise the salaries of their employees. They provide this allowance to workers on top of their basic pay. It is a payment that compensates for the rise in prices and cost of living.

Earlier, the cost of living wasn't a consideration for employers when determining employee compensation. Inflation was expected to be a temporary phenomenon that will subside on its own in no time.

However, the cost of living has increased over the years, and inflation has become a permanent fixture. So offering dearness allowance as a type of employee incentive program is a reliable way to attract and retain employees.

Fringe benefits are the goodies that companies offer employees besides their salaries. They are usually non-cash perks, such as health insurance, paid vacation days, or gym memberships. Fringe benefits are not only attractive to employees but also to the employer. It can reduce overall tax and compensation costs for the employer.

Many employers use a lot of unique ways to get their employees excited and engaged in the workplace. As competitive as the job market is, it is not easy to find and keep qualified employees. If you want to go the extra mile, check out this article on 7 Noteworthy Fringe Benefits for your Workforce in Give your employees something different that they can't get anywhere else.

Many companies use suggestion incentive programs to show employees their opinion matters. When an employee's suggestion leads to improved revenue, productivity, or efficiency, managers reward them for their efforts.

The idea behind employee suggestion incentive is simple: people are more productive when they feel valued. Reward employees for their good ideas, no matter if it is big or small. It also creates a win-win situation for your company and your employees. Employee referral is one of the most effective ways of recruiting potential employees in a company.

Employees who make referrals are motivated to find the "right" kind of person for a job because their reputation is on the line. So they take the time to find people who are a good fit for the job. A company that offers employee referral bonuses tends to attract better employees because the referee is naturally invested in the person's success they referred.

Gift cards are one of the most popular ways to reward employees. They offer a personalized touch while letting your employees choose the gift that they really want and deserve. Plus, you can hand them out whenever you want and in whatever amount you think is appropriate.

Vantage Circle offers the freedom to choose a gift card from a wide range of products and services from a global catalog. Recommended Read: 15 Simple-yet-Appealing Gifts for Remote Employees.

If we go by the recent trends , millennials and Gen Z are looking for more than just a steady paycheck with their careers. Companies that provide new training opportunities and support career development are likely to attract and retain the best talent in the future.

To encourage this growth, companies need to facilitate the right learning and development opportunities. One effective way to motivate employees is by offering specialized training sessions. Also Read: Why Employee Development Matters in The average employee can experience up to five years in a company before they feel like a part of the team.

Employees want to feel valued. Vantage Circle gives you many ways to recognize your employees and show them you care. Our all-in-one solution is designed to make appreciation more meaningful, timely, and quick.

After year-long travel restrictions, offering travel incentives can prove to be a very lucrative offer to employees. Business travel has become an increasingly popular commuter choice for workers who want to continue earning money while seeing the world.

Business travelers are entitled to a range of travel incentives and benefits. It can include discounts on flights and hotels, free rental cars, reimbursement of meals, and much more.

A special recognition program is a great way to boost employee morale and reinforce company values. Awards like " Employee of the month " or "Top Performer" are a great way to show the entire team everyone is important and valuable.

With an in-house recognition program, businesses can boost employee satisfaction while saving costs for expensive outside rewards.

Vantage Circle has a powerful yet simple AI-based platform, making employee recognition easy, fun, effective, and globally accessible. Explore more such incentives here: Top 9 Non-monetary Incentives To Motivate And Retain Your Employees. Flexibility and an understanding of the changing face of business are two important work perks that have gained popularity in recent years.

Whether you're promoting a more flexible workplace or you already offer it, it's important to recognize the difference between telecommuting and flexible work schedules.

The former refers to working from home on non-work-related tasks. At the same time, the latter encompasses flexibility with when and where you work.

This is just one of many reasons why companies are starting to understand the value of employee mentorship as an employee incentive. In the grand scheme of employee perks , employee mentorship is low-cost, but the biggest impact. Everybody loves an extra day off from work!

That's why providing employees with a bonus day off is a perfect incentive. If they achieve the goals set out for them, you can reward them with a few hours off. As well as feeling motivated to work harder, employees will feel valued in their workplace because their employer recognizes the hard work.

Some employers let their staff volunteer for a good cause to get the most out of their employees. This encourages employees to bond with each other meaningfully.

It is also vital to the growth and development of any company. By doing so, businesses improve employee engagement and help build their company's brand image. Encouraging a culture of work hard-play hard environment can be a great cultivator of employee engagement.

Virtual corporate entertainment events are a unique way to add fun to an event, conference, business meeting, or convention.

Whether your goal is to lighten the mood or entertain your audience with an interactive presentation , you can customize these events to suit your needs. The perception of what an employer should provide for its employees has evolved.

Experiential rewards are an excellent option to mark big achievements. It can be anything from local painting classes to day-long trips. When employers curate rewards based on what employees love, they experience less stress, are happier, and work better.

Employee incentive programs have become widely popular in the corporate world. Though the military originally started this program, it has spread to most companies as a great way to motivate employees to perform better.

We often use the term employee incentive program interchangeably with employee reward programs, employee recognition programs, or employee benefit programs. All these terms come under the same umbrella of total rewards , whose ultimate aim is to increase employee productivity and the company's overall success.

Thadoi Thangjam is a content marketer and digital marketing executive at Vantage Circle. For any related queries, contact editor vantagecircle. We safeguard your personal information in accordance with our Privacy Policy.

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And if you use a double-sided referral incentive where the friend gets a reward for making their first purchase , they can also help drive customer acquisition! The best referral incentives are part of a referral program. Check out our article dedicated to referral program incentives for best practices when using referral rewards.

Whichever intent you are creating incentives for, follow these best practices for the best chances of success:. These businesses have had particular success with adding incentives to their marketing efforts.

Why were they so successful, and what can your own business learn from them? This multi-pronged marketing incentive achieves several intent goals at once: brand awareness, retention, and referral. But it still keeps things simple, with a core reward — free Slurpees. Playing to urgency pays off!

Tim Hortons, Canadian coffee and donut staple, uses their annual Roll Up the Rim campaign to incentivize purchases. This contest has become a mainstay in Canada, just like the Tim Hortons chain itself. T-Mobile knows happy customers are more likely to stick around, so they have a rewards program that regularly surprises their customers.

Instead of starting a loyalty program, they give all of their customers surprise perks every Tuesday through their app. These perks include free offers and deals from other brands Puma, Taco Bell, and Redbox, to name just a few , branded swag, and chances to win bigger prizes like gift cards, tech, and vacations.

Chipotle incentivizes repeat customers with this well-designed loyalty program. Customers earn points on every purchase 10 points per dollar , and can redeem points for entrees of their choice. Plus, they also get free gifts on their birthday. The brand shakes things up with gamified elements, such as extra point days and surprise challenges, while still keeping their loyalty program easy to understand and rewards achievable.

This generous, two-pronged reward effectively incentivizes customers to share with friends they think would be interested in Bombas.

Marketing incentives are a proven way to motivate your current and potential customers to complete desired actions, or conversions.

Before you choose an incentive, make sure you have a solid goal in mind. What behavior do you want to motivate with the incentives?

What marketing campaigns will you use to promote these incentives? A good strategy to offer marketing incentives to your target audience can help drive customer loyalty and increase your bottom line.

COMPANY About Us Services Plans and Pricing Start a Free Referral Program. All Rights Reserved. How It Works. Use Cases. Free consult. How it works for marketers.

Launch a referral program in days, not months. Referral experience. Design an on-brand portal that makes sharing easy. Reward management. Manage reward types, structures, and payout options.

Onboarding services. Stand your program up faster with expert help. Customer Referral Programs. Gain more brand awareness and referrals from your best customers through on-brand sharing experiences.

Brand Ambassador Programs. Run a brand ambassador program with a variety of participants customers, partners, employees, and more. Customer Stories. See how businesses across industries have grown referrals. See All Integrations. Live that automation dream with integrations for any type of business.

Integration Docs. In-depth documentation about the types of integrations and the third-party guides. Product Guide. The definitive guide to everything Referral Rock. Support Center. Product help documentation to answer just about any question.

In-depth technical guides for third-party systems. Marketing Blog. Read about referral and affiliate programs, growth marketing, and more.

Sample incentive websites

Author: Sazil

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