Category: Family

Art supplies giveaway

Art supplies giveaway

What treasures you giveaawy on the internet, so Art supplies giveaway art, friends suppplies fun, if Art supplies giveaway had the opportunity I would love to travel to outback Australia where the colours are just so bright and earthy. Dianne Thompson on August 19, at pm. Holly R on August 26, at am. The Collection.

Art supplies giveaway -

Oh that is easy. After following your post on the Italy art retreat.. I long to go there and soak up the beauty, Culture and art experience. If only the family budget could handle.

Their faces tell a story. Some are talented unknown artist and we display their art called Sunshine from Darkness that our hospital puts on annually. I have always dreamed of traveling to the English country side and see what I can create there…. Where to start! We would stop at all the cool places, cool artsy cities, see the ocean, the mountains, the forests, the dunes, the flora and fauna, the boats, the people, and the sunsets.

I want him to see all the beauty he can and celebrate each day of sight we are gifted. Pinned it too! wow — so very generous and such a lovely lovely package of goodies. THANK YOU for sharing the chance to win! I found your generous giveaway on FB. If I could choose, I would love to art-play in France.

Thank you so very much for offering such artsy goodness. I will keep my fingers,toes,eyes crossed…. well,maybe not the eyes…I dont want to bump into things. I would love to travel to Australia and New Zealand to create art! Thanks so much for the generous opportunity to win some fantastic art supplies!

Shared on Facebook. Looks like a great giveaway! I love to travel — recently have been doing photos at Walnut Grove, MN and Spring Valley, MN for Little House on the Prairie and celebrating 40 year anniversary of the TV show!!

Loved seeing many of the actors!! i would love to go to bali, i love tropical places but italy looks so beautiful too. i didnt get the chance to take the first course but hoping i can do the second one.

thank you for such an amazing giveaway, i sure could put all that to good use. wishing and hoping. What a fabulous give away!

Thanks for your generosity. I would love to return to Venice, Italy to make art. This location is like no other in the world. The inspiration from the physical beauty, color, culture and art is just awesome. I wish I could travel far…perhaps another country to create…but since we cannot afford it I am blessed to live near a lake.

Pinned on my pinterest board. shared on facebook. Travel to knew places always seems to ignite my creative spirit, there are so may places I would to go to and create, Italy, Greece, Sedona, Taos…thank you for this very generous offer to share your favorite materials!!! Oh what a lovely giveaway!!

Would love to pack those supplies and zip on over to France and do art!! Sharing on facebook and pinterest! I love going to my hometown in Alexander City, Al. We plan to travel Route 66 next year, and new art supplies would be thrilling. Thank you for your generosity!!!

to tell the truth, i have never traveled anywhere and made art. but it is a dream of mine, a dream i share with my 10 year old daughter.

we have recently started turning a guest bedroom into our craft room and these art supplies would be well used and loved! i would love to go to India as it is the only place i dreamed of sitting under the trees to paint and drew the life of the people and the place oh the colors.

What a generous giveaway! Thank you for the chance! I would like to go to Scotland to paint and then to Bali to thaw out.

I would love to travel out west and draw and paint there. Thanks for hosting such a gret giveaway. I am still going through the first masters class — but I am definitely signing up for this one as well. What a fantastic giveaway. This is very generous of you. There are so many places I would love to go to create art but I think the most recent place I would like to go is to Slovenia.

A friend is there right now and she keeps posting some fabulous pictures. Thank you for another giveaway! I would love to travel to England to paint the countryside, sketch people in London, and write my heart out just about anywhere.

Best of luck to everyone! I pinned it! Oh wow…beautiful stuff, awesome giveaway: YUM!!! Wow, gorgeous give-away! We hope to do a Europe tour with our kids one day — I would certainly be creating along the way!! The give away is awesome. I would love to travel to Italy and to the south of France.

To see the fields of flowers and the landscapes would be a dream come true. Did you say portraits? That is right up my alley! I would love to go to Italy, Ireland or France to paint. Thank you for the last Studying With the Masters! I just found you on Pinterest and how happy I am that I did.

What an interesting blog you have. It would be interesting to paint with such vivid colour palettes such an abundance of life. I am also pinning your blog. Wonderful giveaway! I already bought the class the very first day! I was so excited.

I would love to go to Italy with you and create art I blogged today and tweeted and posted it on FB. I love the pictures you shared from your trips to France and Italy…it looks like it would be an amazing place to go and create art!

Or even just heading across the U. and capturing the beauty…. Ooh what a delicious question. I quite fancy somewhere wild and untamed too — perhaps Scandinavia?

Shall I just say Europe to be on the safe side? I would love to continue to travel the world doing missions work.. So anywhere God directs my feet… There is art to be found even in the most terrible situations. I can hardly wait. Where is it not fun to travel and create art?!!!

I would love to travel to my home state of Idaho and paint the mountain wildflowers that grow so beautifully in the early summer months.

I would love to paint in Italy. Orvietto looks like a fabulous place. Though any kind of retreat to paint would be wonderful. Thank you for this giveaway. I would love to visit the Louvre in Paris! Such inspiration!

Honestly, my list has grown and grown and it is difficult to pick only one. But I would love love to take a class where ever you are teaching. I continue to tune into your blog because of the wonderful uplifting, challenging, encouraging and entertaining words you speak.

Thank you for offering a giveaway and thank you for the studying under the masters series. Just stumbled upon this on pinterest! So awesome! What a great give away!

I would love to travel to the South of France, find the places where Vincent van Gogh painted and lived and try to capture some of that atmosphere in my own work! This is amazing and I signed up for the class this looks awesome, If I can draw or paint it doesnot matter where I am it will be all right, but if I have to choose it would be the south of France.

Not only is Gillian one of my favourite teachers, but the town looks so picturesque and sweet. Sharing on Instagram! I hope I get to go with you to Paris someday.. it would be my dream come true!!! Thanks for this awesome give away.. fingers crossed! Looking forward to the new class!

I would love to go to after seeing your pictures. I am going to Hawaii in January so I will be taking my sketch book for inspiration. Still working on the Masters class. i have a dream of one day attending an art retreat where you are teaching, Jeanne!

Hopefully in Colorado or someplace further northwest. I have lots of artist friends that I know would love your classes as much as I do! Hi Jeanne, I love art.

One of my dreams is to attend to one of your art retreats and the places I would love to go is ether Italy or Greece. I shared on Pinterest…. Thank you very much for this amazing give away, I really hope I can win it and start my artistic skills to be ready for one of your art retreats.

I shared on my business face and on my personal face too….. I think a lots of my creative friends are going to love this post and I am sure I am going to have a lots of like.

They are so vastly different, both with such beauty. Africa is changing so quickly, that I might have to say Africa before it changes too much;-.

I believe the winner was supposed to be announced Aug. did I miss the announcement. Canice, Yes, the winner has already been announced and it was its own separate post.

Your email address will not be published. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Art Supply Giveaway! I hope you all had a great weekend!

Jack has always been home-schooled except for his weekly enrichment school and I have to be honest that he adjusted much easier than I did:- I loved having him home this weekend and I think that weekends will be cherished much more from here on out. I think that a awesome giveaway is in order to celebrate surviving the first week of high school:- OK, I am really wanting to celebrate the brand new Studying Under The Masters {Portraits and Self-Portraits}!

This 6 week course begins September 30, avail. Thank you for sharing the new course! Crystal Schaar on August 18, at pm. Xo Reply. gigi on August 18, at pm. I would love to return to Italy to make art. Sandy on August 18, at pm.

Looks amazing… Reply. Rita Carbuhn on August 18, at pm. marysu4 on August 18, at pm. Shared on FB!! elizabeth marshall on August 18, at pm. And pinned it, too!! What a great opportunity!! Vanessa on August 18, at pm. Diane Humphrys on August 18, at pm. I would love to travel across the good old USA and create art along the way!

sandyderryberry on August 18, at pm. Shared on Facebook! ursula wollenberg on August 18, at pm. Would love to join you in Italy to paint and create. That is a huge dream of mine. Carrie Olsen on August 18, at pm. How amazing.. Love your sharing of art around with us all Reply.

Just Pinned it! Mary Brack on August 18, at pm. Melanie F on August 18, at pm. Hope Amen on August 18, at pm. susangoodell on August 18, at pm. I would love to go and create art in Spain! Robbie Louise on August 18, at pm. oh just everywhere! Jeanine LeRoy on August 18, at pm.

Would love to travel to Iceland to paint the vast vistas there Reply. Amber Zaccagni on August 18, at pm. Bonnie on August 18, at pm. vanessa soto on August 18, at pm. Sharon Gollman on August 18, at pm.

Lisa on August 18, at pm. Jeanette in Illinois on August 18, at pm. Just added to FB and added to my pins on pinterest. Laurar Turcotte on August 18, at pm.

Carmen Duran Zaleski on August 18, at pm. Karlene Boss on August 18, at pm. Also shared on Facebook 🙂 Reply. Melissa Ellen's Loft on August 18, at pm. Libbi Byrd Corson on August 18, at pm. My dream place to go and make art is Italy!

That would be a total dream come true! Anita Haines on August 18, at pm. Shared on Facebook 🙂 Reply. Joan Currie on August 18, at pm. xox Reply. bethelrising on August 18, at pm.

Amazing giveaway! I love all my Jeanne Oliver Network courses. Angie on August 18, at pm. Amy David on August 18, at pm. The choices…. I would like to travel to Spain to draw, paint, and marvel at the history ;.

Andrea Villarreal on August 18, at pm. jeanne on August 18, at pm. Susan on August 18, at pm. Sandy Ady on August 18, at pm. Deanna on August 18, at pm.

Lynne Davey on August 18, at pm. Kathie Vezzani on August 18, at pm. I shared on facebook and instagram!! Charissa Struble on August 18, at pm. karendwu on August 18, at pm. katie on August 18, at pm. Shared on FB and Pinned on Pinterest!! i shared on facebook. i also pinned twice to pinterest.

wishing you a wonderful autumn. katie Reply. Stephanie Russell on August 18, at pm. Bunny Wilson on August 18, at pm. London — hands down, London!

April Lopez on August 18, at pm. I would love to go to any warm beach and paint the sea! I shared on FB! Liked and shared this on facebook 😀 Reply.

Just shared this post via Twitter. Candice Schwark on August 18, at pm. Pinned to Pinterest with a comment. Liked and posted on FaceBook with a comment.

maybe I gave a few people a chuckle for the day 🙂 Reply. Toni on August 18, at pm. Shared on FB. Pinned on pinterest too. Heather Basson on August 18, at pm. Toni Santanello on August 18, at pm. Katy Timney on August 18, at pm. I would love to travel to Costa Rica or Ireland to photograph and paint the beauty I find!

Erica Murray on August 18, at pm. com Reply. Ann-Marie on August 18, at pm. soartsy on August 18, at pm. Pat on August 18, at pm. xo Pat Reply. Carissa on August 18, at pm.

laura on August 18, at pm. Sue Pompetti on August 18, at pm. Tweeted, Facebook and Pinned 🙂 Reply. Serena on August 18, at pm. Spain baby! Kitty Murray on August 18, at pm. Pinned this bad boy 🙂 Reply. spread the love on FB too.

I want that camera bag!!!! like bad 😉 Reply. Meghan Thimjon on August 18, at pm. studiojru on August 18, at pm. Elizabeth on August 18, at pm.

pinned the giveaway! Shared on my facebook timeline too! Super excited! Leigh on August 18, at pm. Kate Robertson on August 18, at pm. Deborah on August 18, at pm. Proud Mom Reply.

chasity on August 18, at pm. shared on pinterest. and shared on facebook. Sarah L. on August 18, at pm. Pinned 🙂 Reply. Laura French on August 18, at pm. XOXO Reply. I have already signed up for this class and can hardly wait!!! Leslie H. I tweeted ,face booked , and pinned 😉 Reply.

Beth Figiel on August 18, at pm. Hi, I just twitted about your Wonderful giveaway on twitter, Beth Figiel FigielFineArt! Meg Sheffer on August 18, at pm.

Hi Jeanne! Love your classes!! Anyplace would be great to do art!! Shared on Facebook Reply. Linda hall on August 18, at pm. Also shared your link for giveaway. Thank you!!!

Sara Torbett on August 18, at pm. I pinned the course! Sammie D. Flame RawkMama on August 18, at pm. Lisa Crail on August 18, at pm. One day…you never know… Reply. Thanks… Reply. silverspool44 on August 18, at pm. Pinned as well! And pinned!

Talia on August 18, at pm. Dona Bumgarner on August 18, at pm. Lisa Barker on August 18, at pm. Thank you Jeanne! I would love to study and paint in Paris! Yvette on August 18, at pm. also just pinned it on pinterest Reply.

Lindsey Wolosiewicz on August 18, at pm. I like to travel to local barns in my area to paint. This is such a generous giveaway!! Debra Eastridge on August 18, at pm. I think traveling to Italy and having the luxury of painting each day would be heaven!!

Patty Marker on August 18, at pm. janetg on August 18, at pm. Jenny walker on August 18, at pm. Elaine Neidig on August 18, at pm. Martin Holloway on August 18, at pm. Callie on August 18, at pm.

This is amazing! Lorrayne Berthold on August 18, at pm. Grandma Shelley on August 18, at pm. ashleyaliko on August 18, at pm. Karen 'K. Amber K on August 18, at pm. Victoria M on August 18, at pm.

Lynette Wakerley on August 18, at pm. Delisa on August 18, at pm. Deborah M. bevlangby on August 18, at pm. Hugz Bev Reply. Just shared on facebook 🙂 Reply. bfanta on August 18, at pm.

Just shared to my art group on Facebook. Karen Velinsky on August 18, at pm. Gail Lynch Paljug on August 18, at pm. Diana skurka on August 18, at pm. Dawn on August 19, at am. Paula Keeler on August 19, at am.

Aloha Paula Reply. Janet Levendoski Holmes on August 19, at am. Best of everything to you and I hope you get a lot of registrations Reply. Suzen on August 19, at am. Melissa Burford on August 19, at am. shellsinthebush on August 19, at am.

Trish on August 19, at am. Share on my FB artist page. Susan D. on August 19, at am. I would love to travel anywhere near the ocean to create art. Just Pinned to my Mixed Media board… thanks again! Boy I hope I win this fabulous package!! tina on August 19, at am. I wish I could take the class with Alena in Portugal later this month.

Chrystal on August 19, at am. Posted on facebook! Darla Deiparine on August 19, at am. facebook posting done Reply. jackie on August 19, at am. would love to travel to Italy and paint paint paint and cook too…I have pinned and posted in FB Reply. Leslie McNeil on August 18, at pm. What do you say Jeanne?

Another retreat on Bainbridge next fall???? The people are asking 🙂 Reply. Jennifer Kay U on August 19, at am. Paula Cecilia Fava Corcoran on August 19, at am. Ciao Jeanne … Your generosity of spirit is unparalleled! Shared on FaceBook! Heather Hodge on August 19, at am.

Just Pinned it TOO! Rita Seed on August 19, at am. All the very best xxxx Reply. Also Posted on INSTAGRAM!

Soooooo Excited! Love you Gal! Dionea on August 19, at am. Posted on Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest Reply. cacollieCarol C on August 19, at am. Stacy on August 19, at am. New England is where I would love to create Reply. Cheryl Jenkins on August 19, at am. Deb on August 19, at am. Pacific coast Reply.

I would love to travel to Africa to create, write, paint, photograph, and simply be. susy rivera on August 19, at am.

Pinning and posting in fb. I would just love one of this. Priscilla Gibbs on August 19, at am. I put on Facebook and pinned!!!

tanjadivine on August 19, at am. Stephanie F on August 19, at am. I would love to go to Italy and create art! Oh and I would love to paint in mexico the home of the awesome khalo or amsterdam the home of vinnie Reply. Shelli on August 19, at am. Pinned and instagrammed Reply.

arlsmom Lynda on August 19, at am. Angie H. Arrica on August 19, at am. Jenny Rodda on August 18, at pm. Suzanne on August 19, at am.

craftygoofy49 on August 19, at am. Jackie Beeman on August 19, at am. Sharon Pope on August 18, at pm. I would love to go to Paris, Greece, or Italy to sketch, paint, and take pictures! I shared the class on my FB page! I also shared the class on my FB art page! Kathy on August 19, at am. Being out in nature really inspires me, particularly the ocean.

Lisa Sarvak Heaney on August 19, at am. Amazing give away Jeanne! I would like create in France! Patti Sandham on August 19, at am. Travel and make art? Oh I think so! I am all signed up for the class and so stoked!

Ella Goodwin on August 19, at am. Colleen U on August 19, at am. I tweeted the giveaway! I would love to create art in Paris!!!! Lynda on August 19, at am. lemonlizard on August 19, at am. I have always dreamed of going to Paris!! To paint in Paris would be beyond words!!!!

melissa on August 19, at am. I would love to go to Ireeland and Scotland. Laura Kuznia on August 19, at am. Nathalie on August 19, at am.

I pinned it Reply. Loretta on August 19, at pm. Lisa on August 19, at pm. Diane Peaceful Acres Farm® on August 19, at pm. Maggie Barbour on August 19, at pm. Shared on Twitter studyunderthemasters giveaway artsupplies! Blogging on Thursday! Gloria Eversman on August 19, at pm. Dreaming of a trip to Santorini.

Thanks for the generous giveaway. Melissa Ellen's Loft on August 19, at pm. Lacy on August 19, at pm. Jeanette on August 19, at pm. I would love to travel to Greece to create art! Rae on August 19, at pm.

Amy on August 19, at pm. Definitely back to Italy! Tina on August 19, at pm. Lovely lovely giveaway! I shared your lovely giveaway on FB today! I hope it helps spread the word!

Pinned it Reply. I share your lovely giveaway on Pinterest today as well! Spreading more love for you! I also shared your giveaway on Twitter today to help spread the word of your generosity! Tweeted a link to this page. studyingunderthemasters Reply.

Cat Kerr on August 19, at pm. Cat Reply. bettyahe on August 19, at pm. Shared on my facebook wall! Jami on August 19, at pm. I would LOVE to return to Italy! If the winner does not respond within 3 business days, a new winner will be selected.

By accepting the prize, the winner agrees to the use of his or her name, image, and likeness for promotional purposes without further compensation, except where prohibited by law.

By participating in the giveaway, participants agree to be bound by these terms and conditions and the decisions of Opus Art Supplies, which shall be final and binding in all respects.

Opus Art Supplies reserves the right to disqualify any participant or winner and may prohibit an entrant from participating in the giveaway or winning a prize if, in its sole discretion, it determines that said entrant is attempting to undermine the legitimate operation of the giveaway by cheating, hacking, deception, or other unfair playing practices or intending to annoy, abuse, threaten or harass any other entrant or Opus Art Supplies representatives.

By participating in the giveaway, participants release Opus Art Supplies, its affiliates, and its respective officers, directors, employees, and agents from any and all liability for any injury, loss or damage of any kind arising from or in connection with the giveaway or the use or acceptance of any prize won.

Any dispute arising out of or relating to this giveaway shall be resolved in accordance with the laws of Canada and shall be resolved in a court of competent jurisdiction located in Canada. By participating in the giveaway, participants agree to the collection and use of personal information as described in Opus Art Supplies' Privacy Policy, which can be found on their website.

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New art dupplies can Art supplies giveaway a whole Artt world of creative potential. While your tried-and-true Discounted Organic Produce might always Art supplies giveaway a place in your heart, experimenting with Art supplies giveaway suppliew can open suoplies horizons to mediums and materials you might not givesway tried before. From time to time, Mega Pencil and our friends will run giveaways for art supplies we like and hope you will too. These giveaways are totally free and usually run for a couple weeks at a time. Winners are chosen randomly and will receive a happy notification email, followed by an even happier package shipped to their door soon after. So what are the steps you can take to snag some of these sweet prizes?

Art supplies giveaway -

I dream of travels to Europe.. especially the UK. So many places I would love to see with my own eyes.. the Lake district, Cotswold, Wales.. My list could go on and on.

To sit in a quaint cafe and sketch and absorb the surroundings…bliss!! And the extra yummy art supplies and travel bag would be perfect to take along!! What an incredible giveaway!

I would like to travel to a secluded island…anywhere! Just to be in solitude to make art. Pinned it here! Oh HEAVENS this is A-mazing!!

Thanks a bunch for the sweet chance! Hello Jane, what an awesome and generous giveaway. Cannot wait to find out more about your new, favorite art supplies. I would love to visit my motherland Italy. From all of the photos I have seen; it is very inspiring! Thank you for a chance to win this wonderful giveaway!

Would love to travel to Iceland to paint the vast vistas there. I just spent 2 weeks in Africa with Beauty For Ashes Uganda. you should come! would love to have chance to win the yummy art supplies…will fb this and signed up the first moment it presented itself…took first studying under the masters class and felt so happy to be learning with all the Masters and their Apprentices: thanks again!!

I am very timid when it comes to painting outdoors, but its been calling me! How I would love to sit in a cafe in Paris and create ink drawings of the mood, the people, and the place.

I would love to travel to Seattle, Washington and paint the mood there too! Thank you so much for this opportunity! I would love to go on a road trip with my husband and discover out of the way places and then record my memories in art! Wow, what an awesome giveaway!

Thanks for the chance Jeanne. I can not wait for the class to start. Would love to create art on the beach, preferably the Gulf of Mexico…Thanks so much for this most-generous opportunity!!! I would love to travel to Europe. Different countries, different styles! Whether it would be in a cafe in Parie, in the hills in Ireland, in fron of Buckingham Palace in Englad; the possibilities are endless!

Thanks for the chance! thank you for this awesome opportunity! My dad is from Cuba and I would love to see it even once. The architecture there is aged and beautiful the faces of the people tell their story.

Oh my gosh!!! What an awesome giveway. I would love to travel and paint in Italy. What a dream that would be!!!! Thank you for this awesome giveaway! I cannot wait for this class! Hi Jeanne: Thank you for your generosity and the opportunity to win the supplies. I would love, love to travel to Paris and environs to channel the Impressionists!!

I would love to go to Ireland… Thank you for always sharing your thoughts and amazing talent! Awesome giveaway!! Going there to create is a long way off but I have found that good ol California provides plenty of creative opportunities!!

Everything pictured is from Dick Blick and can be found on their site. If you need a link let me know. What an awesome giveaway My hands are itching to create art with these wonderful supplies.

I wish I could travel to Europe and return with loads of inspiration. I would love to go to Barcelona in the next couple years, God willing ~ thanks to Miss Junelle and her Gaudi class in the first series!

What a fantastic giveaway! I would also like to take a couple of cooking classes while I am there too… art and food! You are amazing Jeanne. So generous. I would love to go to Paris with you and create art. Your ecourses are amazing! Thanks for sharing your talents!! Great giveaway, Jeanne.

Pinned twice and facebooked more than once….. would love to go to Savannah………. Jeanne, I would love to travel to somewhere remote and take my art supplies with me.

I spent a week driving through the forest in Idaho a few years ago and it was very surreal. Thank you for the opportunity! I was recently in Santorini, Greece, and would love to revisit and paint like crazy! Such beautiful architecture and wonderful people!

Your give away is almost as good as the Studying under the Masters course! I will be signing up for the 2nd! writing is my first love, so i will say where i would love to go write—probably just down to the gulf. i love the blues and greens of the gulf of mexico and would be happy to look out at the water as i wrote.

and, of course, take breaks to practice a little watercolor. i love portraits so i will definitely be taking your upcoming class. What a great giveaway of art supplies! I would love to travel to Ireland and Scotland to create art.

I would love to go back to the Piedmont region of Italy where my grandfather was born! Thanks for the very generous giveaway! maybe I gave a few people a chuckle for the day 🙂.

What an amazing parcel of art goodies, living in South Africa, using some of these are just dreams. If dreams came true I would love to win this offer and head off to Ireland to visit my artist friend there and create with her.

Thank you for this generous offering, looking forward to the next course, really enjoyed the first one. Keep creating everyone,XX Heather , Cape Town South Africa.

Wow so generous. I heard about the Masters Portraits class and was so excited when I saw I was up and available. I hope to take this incredible journey! Oh I would love to travel through the Smokey mountains and capture the beauty. Ejmurray11 gmail.

What a wonderful collection of goodies. Somehow I think Paris would be an inspirational place to paint. Wow, this giveaway really sweeps me off my feet; again, wow!

To paint the cherry blossoms would be the experience of a lifetime. Thank you for this gracious gift. I would love to win this so I could explore the world of art.

I would use these items to capture the beauty around me in Virginia. I I would love to travel to the red wood forest. Just to sit and soak up the amazing energy would be Awesome. I would love to travel to one or both of the countries of my heritage — Italy or Slovakia.

Tweeted, Facebook and Pinned 🙂. i would love to go to italy. all those earthy colors would be so amazing to see in person and so inspiring!! Loved the first Masters class and am super excited about this next one. I will miss the first two weeks of lessons because I will be in Italy Venice, Florence, Tuscany and Rome …my dream trip.

I will be taking my watercolor and sketchbooks. Just pinned about it…on my Favorite Artists board…I am sure all the teachers here will become my favorites anyway. Or start a new ones! Love your classes and spreading the word. Thank You. Signed up for the course too. Will blog about it Wednesday.

What a wonderful giveaway! I would love to surprise my daughter, who is celebrating her 30th birthday, with this lovely gift. She went to Italy for her honeymoon a couple weeks ago and talked about how she wants to spend more time painting etc.

This would be a wonderful incentive for her to get started!! Thank for this wonderful opportunity. Proud Mom. That bag with those art supplies…. happy sigh. I would love to visit the quiet English countryside~ painting outdoors and sipping hot tea all the day long at a house like the one in The Holiday.

How perfect would that be?!? What a wonderful and generous giveaway Jeanne! Thank you for doing this and good luck to everyone!

I would love to paint in Paris , the fasion,food and architecture could inspire so much! I tweeted ,face booked , and pinned 😉. Relaxed and hip would be nice. What a great opportunity for fellow artists. My dream and reality is to create anywhere I am present. My goal is to paint in Europe. This class looks awesome!

Thanks for sharing! so excited!!! I think Italy and Ireland would be my dream places to create art. One day…you never know… Thanks you for this amazing course with fabulous teachers as well as this opportunity to win your supplies.

One day…you never know…. Also shared to a facebook group I am part of — ANZ Art Community Girls — for artists in Australia and New Zealand. I would love to travel to Scotland, Austria and Egypt again to create art.

All 3 have such beautiful places and some of their own amazing art natural and man made to look at along the way! It us so beautiful there! I would have my daughter or husband strike a pose for inspiration. i would love to win all the great art supplies.

I have already signed up for the new course. The first one was outstanding!! I would love to travel to Italy, base in Florence, painting architecture …then off to the west coast of Scotland to paint the light and landscape. This is awesome!! I took the first masters course and am surely taking this one.

If I could pick a place to create it would be Italy, my grandmother and grandfather came from Calabria. Nana is what we called her, I will never forget her because she instilled such deep faith in me. I would love to travel to Arles or Paris, or even back to Sedona, Az to paint.

Needing to rekindle the fire I once had for portraiture…Recently retired due to lumbar issues, but ready now to fire on all cylinders!! What treasures you find on the internet, so much art, friends and fun, if I had the opportunity I would love to travel to outback Australia where the colours are just so bright and earthy.

I think I would die if I won this…thank you so much for the opportunity…I think I would load it in my car and drive 5 miles to a beautiful California beach…take off my shoes and put my toes in the sand and paint the day away!

I would love to travel to Barcelona, Spain to create art. Also Japan. Anywhere in Japan. I am okay in Japan I am a whitie and I speak Japanese 🙂 Perhaps Italy would also be an amazing place to paint.

My favorite thing to paint is faces. I am so happy to be a part of this class! September 30th will be here before we know it!

I am drooling over all that fabulous product! There are two places that immediately come to mind to travel to and create.

Ireland is my number one pick, and then Italy would be number two! Thanks for the awesome classes and give aways! I would like to head to the Carolina mountains to sketch and paint.

I might stop at some junking spots for mixed media materials and spend se quiet hours with my camera. What an amazing giveaway! If I was to choose one place today to travel to and create art it would be Papua New Guinea. Not much fun being apart so that would be my pick definitely.

What a wonderful give away! My first choice would be to travel to France — Paris, Provence. Oh who am I kidding, anywhere in France! All signed up and ready to start.. I would love to. Visit and paint in my dream city Paris and walk the streets of the masters who painted and went there before us ,oh what a dream, and thank you for the giveaway and the wonderful masters class Jeanne….

Hugz Bev. Pinned to Pinterest and shared on Facebook, with a comment. I am pretty new to creating art, but this weekend both of my seventh-grade granddaughters spent the night they are cousins , and we made art that evening and the next day on my dining room table. Such fun and such great memories in the making!

I would love to go to Italy …your Instagram photos are so beautiful! It is on my bucket list! Nice giveaway!! Talk about studying under the masters! The first one was incredible! A farmhouse….. big and open, set high atop a hill.

Surrounded by green meadows and wild flowers. White flowy curtains billowing in the breeze in and out of the expansive open windows. White walls…. vintage linens…well loved hardwood floors.

Floors that told stories of the dog that used to call the house home. Sun beams all around…. I would love to go to Norway. The home of my ancestors. To walk the paths they walked. To be surrounded by long lost family.

To be able to create art as souvenirs. Thanks again. Aloha Jeanne! One of my dreams and bucket list would be to travel to Greece, Italy, Portugal, France, and Switzerland for the purpose of soaking in all those sites, and nature with the purpose of art inspiration!!!!

Always been a dream. In the meantime I will have to just enjoy another one of your excellent online classes! thank you for the give a way opportunity! Aloha Paula. What an incredible giveaway!! Would love to paint in Italy, Paris, India, Africa, Australia—anywhere is fine with me—any new place is an inspiration!!

Your giveaway was shared on my pinterest and facebook page. Best of everything to you and I hope you get a lot of registrations. I would love to travel anywhere and everywhere to create art. I traveled through Europe last year but would love to spend some time in France creating art there and going to classes.

I would love to go to Peru. A friend of mine was there recently and her pictures were amazing! Pinned the course when I signed up a week or two ago and I have pinned this awesome giveaway too. What a fabulous giveaway, thank you!!

I would love to go to Italy or France and feel both would be the perfect place to create art. I would love to travel into an imaginary place where all the artists of the Masterrs class have gathered for a week or so.

The ability to be together and share our selves and our work and ideas with one another would be so much fun and enlighting.! facebook posting done.

would love to travel to Italy and paint paint paint and cook too…I have pinned and posted in FB. but i would love to travel to west coast; bainbridge island, or west coast! west coast! Well, your Italy trip is definitely high on my list. The colors and architecture of Lake Como are breathtaking.

My others would be France and Scotland or Ireland. I hope your son is feeling better soon, and good luck with High School! Feeling a bit blue myself over school starting. Hmmmmm … where I would LOVE to Travel AND Create???

I must add … I am terrified of the next Masters Class … and, STILL WILL SIGN UP:! Thank YOU Love Girl … hoping to win, sorry everyone … but, I am a really good sharer, if that is any consolation.

What an amazing give away!! I would love to travel to Paris and create art. It is such a pretty place. Wow amazing giveaway especially one or your amazing bags. All the very best xxxx. What an awesome giveaway. You are so generous! I can imagine sitting outside with a gorgeous hat or maybe a headband made of flowers and a beautiful French easel creating art.

But a ponytail , sketch book and flip flops would be more me. I would love to travel anywhere to create art. This could be the mountains with a rolling brook, on a big rock with a waterfall in the background, an open prairie with wheat and windflowers blowing in the wind, the beach with the sound of seagulls and waves in the distance, a cabin in the forest with the sound of birds and rustling of trees and fall leaves, on the porch of a charming, old Victorian home, the steps of an old church with beautiful stained glass windows and old wooden floors or maybe just sitting at the base of a tree in the backyard with a handmade quilt and cup of tea.

Thanks for the opportunity! I registered for this class as soon as I heard about it! travel sketching is my passionate intention and I would love to get into the habit here in the beautiful NW, in my upcoming trip to France, or just any place I happen to want to record the beauty around me.

What a chance to experience some great supplies. I am really excited for this new class; I loved the first masters classes. As far as where I would like travel and create art it would be Spain.

Thank you for opportunity! Get into my roots! Sharing on face book too! Thanks for having another giveaway! Oh and I would love to paint in mexico the home of the awesome khalo or amsterdam the home of vinnie.

I would love to go to France and soak up the culture and recreate my take on it. Thanks for the chance at the giveaway! I would love to sit by the ocean and create…being able to listen to the waves crashing on the shore… thank you for the chance to win a spot!!! Thank you for the giveaway!!!

I would love to paint either near the English coast or Greece. I realize they are 2 different colorscapes, but they each touch me visually. Loved the last one so much.

Thanks for always inspiring. Oh Jeanne….. WOW… such a delicious and inspiring giveaway….. I am SO excited…. for me too…. I would love to take a weekend and travel to Cortes Island ,BC and just be surrounded by intense beauty and paint until my heart was content! I have two ideas and desires for art and travel.

First, I will be traveling to Florence and Venice Italy and Paris, France for plain air drawing with friends in September of this year. My desire is also to attend an art retreat in San Miguel de Allende Mexico in october of I cannot tell you how excited I am to arrive in Florence on Sept.

I have never done this type of travel before and I cannot wait to see the results. Oh, I am so excited about the new class! Signed up and ready! I would like to create in Australia! I am going to Japan in a month which is perfect since it is where I have always dreamed of traveling to make art!

Scotland is my choice to travel and art, the scenary is spectacular, I have never painted scenary before but would there. Already signed up for the masters class, but will share too.

Supplies are fab, great giveaway. So many places to choose from. First place that popped into my mind was Greece…or maybe Poland for family heritage.

Oh that is easy. After following your post on the Italy art retreat.. I long to go there and soak up the beauty, Culture and art experience. If only the family budget could handle.

Their faces tell a story. Some are talented unknown artist and we display their art called Sunshine from Darkness that our hospital puts on annually. I have always dreamed of traveling to the English country side and see what I can create there…. Where to start! We would stop at all the cool places, cool artsy cities, see the ocean, the mountains, the forests, the dunes, the flora and fauna, the boats, the people, and the sunsets.

I want him to see all the beauty he can and celebrate each day of sight we are gifted. Pinned it too! wow — so very generous and such a lovely lovely package of goodies. THANK YOU for sharing the chance to win! I found your generous giveaway on FB.

If I could choose, I would love to art-play in France. Thank you so very much for offering such artsy goodness. I will keep my fingers,toes,eyes crossed….

well,maybe not the eyes…I dont want to bump into things. I would love to travel to Australia and New Zealand to create art! Thanks so much for the generous opportunity to win some fantastic art supplies!

Shared on Facebook. Looks like a great giveaway! I love to travel — recently have been doing photos at Walnut Grove, MN and Spring Valley, MN for Little House on the Prairie and celebrating 40 year anniversary of the TV show!!

Loved seeing many of the actors!! i would love to go to bali, i love tropical places but italy looks so beautiful too. i didnt get the chance to take the first course but hoping i can do the second one. thank you for such an amazing giveaway, i sure could put all that to good use. wishing and hoping.

What a fabulous give away! Thanks for your generosity. I would love to return to Venice, Italy to make art. This location is like no other in the world. The inspiration from the physical beauty, color, culture and art is just awesome. I wish I could travel far…perhaps another country to create…but since we cannot afford it I am blessed to live near a lake.

Pinned on my pinterest board. shared on facebook. Travel to knew places always seems to ignite my creative spirit, there are so may places I would to go to and create, Italy, Greece, Sedona, Taos…thank you for this very generous offer to share your favorite materials!!!

Oh what a lovely giveaway!! Would love to pack those supplies and zip on over to France and do art!! Sharing on facebook and pinterest! I love going to my hometown in Alexander City, Al.

We plan to travel Route 66 next year, and new art supplies would be thrilling. Thank you for your generosity!!! to tell the truth, i have never traveled anywhere and made art.

but it is a dream of mine, a dream i share with my 10 year old daughter. we have recently started turning a guest bedroom into our craft room and these art supplies would be well used and loved!

i would love to go to India as it is the only place i dreamed of sitting under the trees to paint and drew the life of the people and the place oh the colors. What a generous giveaway! Thank you for the chance!

I would like to go to Scotland to paint and then to Bali to thaw out. I would love to travel out west and draw and paint there. Thanks for hosting such a gret giveaway. I am still going through the first masters class — but I am definitely signing up for this one as well.

What a fantastic giveaway. This is very generous of you. There are so many places I would love to go to create art but I think the most recent place I would like to go is to Slovenia.

A friend is there right now and she keeps posting some fabulous pictures. Thank you for another giveaway! I would love to travel to England to paint the countryside, sketch people in London, and write my heart out just about anywhere.

Best of luck to everyone! I pinned it! Oh wow…beautiful stuff, awesome giveaway: YUM!!! Wow, gorgeous give-away! We hope to do a Europe tour with our kids one day — I would certainly be creating along the way!!

The give away is awesome. I would love to travel to Italy and to the south of France. To see the fields of flowers and the landscapes would be a dream come true. Did you say portraits? That is right up my alley! I would love to go to Italy, Ireland or France to paint.

Thank you for the last Studying With the Masters! I just found you on Pinterest and how happy I am that I did. What an interesting blog you have.

It would be interesting to paint with such vivid colour palettes such an abundance of life. I am also pinning your blog. Wonderful giveaway! I already bought the class the very first day! I was so excited. I would love to go to Italy with you and create art I blogged today and tweeted and posted it on FB.

I love the pictures you shared from your trips to France and Italy…it looks like it would be an amazing place to go and create art! Or even just heading across the U.

and capturing the beauty…. Ooh what a delicious question. I quite fancy somewhere wild and untamed too — perhaps Scandinavia? Shall I just say Europe to be on the safe side? I would love to continue to travel the world doing missions work..

So anywhere God directs my feet… There is art to be found even in the most terrible situations. I can hardly wait. Where is it not fun to travel and create art?!!! I would love to travel to my home state of Idaho and paint the mountain wildflowers that grow so beautifully in the early summer months.

I would love to paint in Italy. Orvietto looks like a fabulous place. Though any kind of retreat to paint would be wonderful. Thank you for this giveaway.

I would love to visit the Louvre in Paris! Such inspiration! Honestly, my list has grown and grown and it is difficult to pick only one.

But I would love love to take a class where ever you are teaching. I continue to tune into your blog because of the wonderful uplifting, challenging, encouraging and entertaining words you speak. Thank you for offering a giveaway and thank you for the studying under the masters series.

Just stumbled upon this on pinterest! So awesome! What a great give away! I would love to travel to the South of France, find the places where Vincent van Gogh painted and lived and try to capture some of that atmosphere in my own work!

This is amazing and I signed up for the class this looks awesome, If I can draw or paint it doesnot matter where I am it will be all right, but if I have to choose it would be the south of France.

Not only is Gillian one of my favourite teachers, but the town looks so picturesque and sweet. Sharing on Instagram! I hope I get to go with you to Paris someday.. it would be my dream come true!!! Thanks for this awesome give away..

fingers crossed! Looking forward to the new class! I would love to go to after seeing your pictures. I am going to Hawaii in January so I will be taking my sketch book for inspiration. Still working on the Masters class. i have a dream of one day attending an art retreat where you are teaching, Jeanne!

Hopefully in Colorado or someplace further northwest. I have lots of artist friends that I know would love your classes as much as I do! Hi Jeanne, I love art. One of my dreams is to attend to one of your art retreats and the places I would love to go is ether Italy or Greece.

I shared on Pinterest…. Thank you very much for this amazing give away, I really hope I can win it and start my artistic skills to be ready for one of your art retreats. I shared on my business face and on my personal face too….. I think a lots of my creative friends are going to love this post and I am sure I am going to have a lots of like.

They are so vastly different, both with such beauty. Africa is changing so quickly, that I might have to say Africa before it changes too much;-.

I believe the winner was supposed to be announced Aug. did I miss the announcement. Canice, Yes, the winner has already been announced and it was its own separate post. Your email address will not be published.

Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Art Supply Giveaway! I hope you all had a great weekend! Jack has always been home-schooled except for his weekly enrichment school and I have to be honest that he adjusted much easier than I did:- I loved having him home this weekend and I think that weekends will be cherished much more from here on out.

I think that a awesome giveaway is in order to celebrate surviving the first week of high school:- OK, I am really wanting to celebrate the brand new Studying Under The Masters {Portraits and Self-Portraits}!

This 6 week course begins September 30, avail. Thank you for sharing the new course! Crystal Schaar on August 18, at pm. Xo Reply. gigi on August 18, at pm.

I would love to return to Italy to make art. Sandy on August 18, at pm. Looks amazing… Reply. Rita Carbuhn on August 18, at pm. marysu4 on August 18, at pm. Shared on FB!!

elizabeth marshall on August 18, at pm. And pinned it, too!! What a great opportunity!! Vanessa on August 18, at pm. Diane Humphrys on August 18, at pm. I would love to travel across the good old USA and create art along the way! sandyderryberry on August 18, at pm. Shared on Facebook! ursula wollenberg on August 18, at pm.

Would love to join you in Italy to paint and create. That is a huge dream of mine. Carrie Olsen on August 18, at pm. How amazing.. Love your sharing of art around with us all Reply. Just Pinned it! Mary Brack on August 18, at pm. Melanie F on August 18, at pm. Hope Amen on August 18, at pm.

susangoodell on August 18, at pm. I would love to go and create art in Spain! Robbie Louise on August 18, at pm. oh just everywhere! Jeanine LeRoy on August 18, at pm. Would love to travel to Iceland to paint the vast vistas there Reply. Amber Zaccagni on August 18, at pm. The winner will be notified by direct message on Instagram within 3 business days of the drawing.

If the winner does not respond within 3 business days, a new winner will be selected. By accepting the prize, the winner agrees to the use of his or her name, image, and likeness for promotional purposes without further compensation, except where prohibited by law.

By participating in the giveaway, participants agree to be bound by these terms and conditions and the decisions of Opus Art Supplies, which shall be final and binding in all respects. Opus Art Supplies reserves the right to disqualify any participant or winner and may prohibit an entrant from participating in the giveaway or winning a prize if, in its sole discretion, it determines that said entrant is attempting to undermine the legitimate operation of the giveaway by cheating, hacking, deception, or other unfair playing practices or intending to annoy, abuse, threaten or harass any other entrant or Opus Art Supplies representatives.

By participating in the giveaway, participants release Opus Art Supplies, its affiliates, and its respective officers, directors, employees, and agents from any and all liability for any injury, loss or damage of any kind arising from or in connection with the giveaway or the use or acceptance of any prize won.

Any dispute arising out of or relating to this giveaway shall be resolved in accordance with the laws of Canada and shall be resolved in a court of competent jurisdiction located in Canada. By participating in the giveaway, participants agree to the collection and use of personal information as described in Opus Art Supplies' Privacy Policy, which can be found on their website.

Opus Art Supplies reserves the right to change or modify these terms and conditions at any time without prior notice. Are you a New User? REGISTER HERE. X Close. Contact Us Find a store. Opus Art Supplies. Search art supplies, articles, and more.

Search art supplies, articles, and more X Search art supplies, articles, and more. Cart 0 0 items. Cart 0 X Close. Your cart is empty. The Opus Guide To Creative Exploration. The Collection. Discover Guides. Eco-Conscious Art Materials. Shop By Brand. Encaustic Painting.

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I have exciting news! So, igveaway you Art supplies giveaway hoping to Art supplies giveaway out their Budget grocery sales new acrylic aupplies set, then this giveaway is for you. Did you read it? However, to be eligible to receive the Arrtx giveaway, you must abide by the following terms. Unfortunately, shipping is limited to the United States, United Kingdom, and EU countries. Art supplies giveaway

Author: Gorisar

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