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Fitness program trials

Fitness program trials

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Effective Fitness Training - Start Your 14 Day Free Trial Background: Truals declines in physical function lead Risk-free trial decreased independence and higher healthcare Fitnwss. Individuals who meet Budget-Friendly Food Bargains and Savings endurance discounted organic baby snacks resistance exercise recommendations can Affordable home improvement tools their physical function and overall fitness, Fjtness into their ninth decade. However, most porgram adults Fitndss not exercise progran, and the majority of those who do only perform one type of exercise, and in doing so are not getting the benefits of endurance or resistance exercise. Herein we present the study protocol for a randomized clinical trial that will investigate the potential for high-intensity interval training HIIT to improve maximal oxygen consumption, muscular power, and muscle volume primary outcomesas well as body composition, 6-min walk distance, and muscular strength and endurance secondary outcomes. Methods and Analysis: This is a single-site, single-blinded, randomized clinical trial. A minimum of 24 and maximum of 30 subjects aged 60—75 that are generally healthy but insufficiently active will be randomized.

Fitness program trials -

Participants were randomized to receive either the intervention Spring or waitlist control Fall using concealed envelopes prepared by a third party using a closed container. That container included all 62 papers.

A student not related to the project performed the allocation. Peer leaders were blinded to randomization as they did not know that participants in the Spring groups were in the intervention group, and participants in the Fall were in the control group.

Participants in the Spring were also invited to participate again in the Fall. Peer-leaders were told that we were limiting the number of participants for space and to start with smaller group sizes for the Spring groups.

The participants were blinded as they were not tested after the Fall session, but it was not mentioned. Participants were excluded if they were not cleared by a physical activity screening test or did not receive clearance from their primary physician to participate.

Finally, participants were not eligible if they participated in the offered peer-led exercise program in the past. The tested peer-led exercise program has existed for many years but has not been appropriately evaluated.

Initially, the program was developed to promote independence and prevent falls by long-term participation. Participants were recruited through radio advertisements, newspapers, posters, and social media.

Four peer leaders were recruited using the same strategy based on a first-come, first-served procedure. Peer leaders received a manual, along with practical training.

A formal background in health or fitness was not required. Continued support was offered to the leaders once they began leading the program.

This support was offered through both the provincial fitness accreditation body and the research staff. Recruitment for all participants intervention and control occurred between January and March When participants called to enrol in the program, they were assessed for eligibility over the phone by the research staff.

Those who were eligible were told that they would be randomized into either the Spring intervention or the Fall control group, but testing would only occur in March and May The exercise program was offered between March and May for those randomized to the intervention.

It was offered between September and December for those randomized to the control condition. The exercise program, called Zoomers on the Go [ 12 ], occurred at an indoor community location e.

Resistance exercises were done using a coloured TheraBand, a 9-in. sponge ball, and paper plates. There were also chairs available for every participant if needed.

More details on the program are presented in the supplementary file. The primary outcome was strength assessed by the change on the s chair stand test. The research assistant recorded the number of repetitions completed during the test [ 13 ].

These were the 6-min walk test 6MWT , the s arm curl test and the Back Scratch Test. Finally, grip strength was collected using a JAMAR analogue handheld dynamometer Lafayette Instrument Company, USA for both left and right hands.

The highest value of each hand was added together, according to CSEP [ 14 ]. Capillary blood sampling was conducted using the CardioCheck Analyzer device to determine high-density lipoprotein HDL , triglycerides, low-density lipoproteins LDL , and glucose [ 15 ]. Psychosocial outcomes were assessed via questionnaire.

The Depression Anxiety Stress Scales - 21 item DASS was used to measure past week depression scores of 13, 20, 27, and 38 indicate mild, moderate, severe, and extremely severe symptoms, respectively , anxiety scores of 8, 10, 15, and 20 indicate mild, moderate, severe, and extremely severe symptoms, respectively , and stress scores of 15, 19, 26, and 34 indicate mild, moderate, severe, and extremely severe symptoms, respectively [ 16 ].

The Short Form Health Survey - 36 items SF was used to measure day-to-day functioning and quality of life [ 17 ]. The scale is composed of eight domain subscales i.

Demographic data, including age, sex, marital status, occupation, and household income, were assessed via a self-report questionnaire. Attendance at the peer-led exercise group was collected on-site by the program leader.

The maximum number of sessions was 23 as one session was cancelled for a holiday. Body weight was measured to the nearest 0. Body-mass index BMI was calculated using body weight, height and the CSEP equation for BMI.

Resting blood pressure and resting heart rate were collected on-site with a portable blood pressure cuff Omron M1 Plus -HEMC-E. Physical activity level was objectively assessed using PiezoRxD pedometers Steps Count, CA to describe the sample at baseline.

Participants were asked to wear the pedometer for seven consecutive days before the start of the program. The pedometer was used to track steps per day and estimate total time spent participating in moderate to vigorous physical activity based on walking cadence.

Total time spent at a cadence of a minimum of steps per minute was considered time spent in moderate and vigorous-intensity, respectively [ 18 ]. The effect size expected on the chair stand test was determined using clinical data previously collected on participants participating in this program.

Despite the high number of participants, this dataset lacked a control group, and testing was done in a clinical setting without rigid testing sessions to respect the week intervention. Some participants who saw changes in the chair stand participated in the program many years before being tested.

Nonetheless, an improvement of 1. To account for the anticipated drop-out rate i. Changes in physical function were tested using linear regression models.

This was done using a stepwise strategy, with the dependent variable being the change pre-post. The independent variables were the treatment group, baseline value on the test, and any differences between groups observed at baseline on descriptive characteristics.

We also explored if the number of sessions attended by participants in the intervention group predicted changes in physical function using linear regression models once adjusted for potential confounders. Sixty-two participants took part in the study 31 intervention, 31 control.

Three participants 4. Participants reported dropped out because the program was too easy; they had an additional family commitment, or did not want to attend the post-testing session.

Participants were an average age of Of those participants, women made up Descriptive information of the sample for participants who completed the intervention is presented in Table 1. At baseline, no difference besides BMI was observed between the two groups on descriptive variables.

The number of sessions attended was not associated with any physical function changes when adjusted for age, sex, and baseline value of each physical function.

Finally, in terms of metabolic outcomes Table 4 , no differences in pre-post changes were observed between the two groups. However, some improvements were observed for both groups within-groups e. The current study results support the idea that peer-led exercise programs for aeging adults can lead to physical function improvements.

Like previous studies [ 10 , 20 , 21 ], the drop-out rate for this program was meagre with a relatively high attendance rate.

The combination of low drop-out rates and significant physical function improvements suggests that peer-led exercise programs are a successful intervention for ageing adults living in the community.

Although the effects of peer-led exercise programs have been systematically reviewed, it is essential to note that many program and participant characteristics can lead to different physical functions.

Participants in the present study could exercise at a greater intensity than studies involving older participants who observed lower physical function improvements.

In support, Dogro et al. Another essential feature of a peer-led exercise program that leads to physical function improvement seems to be formal training for leaders [ 8 , 22 , 23 ].

It is possible that serious training for peer-leaders, as in the present study, is needed to draw significant physical function benefits. When discussing peer-led exercise programs, it is essential to note that the literature reports the effects of both peers who deliver the exercise program and peers who encourage ageing adults to become more active.

Previous studies have reported that delivering the exercise program by peers is more effective than peers motivating other ageing adults to become more active [ 24 , 25 ].

It is thus essential to differentiate the two strategies when combining the benefits of a peer-led strategy. However, the variability at baseline was pretty small, suggesting that participants were already reasonably fit before the intervention.

This observation suggests that this peer-led exercise program could be more useful for people with lower physical function at baseline, reported before [ 26 ]. It is possible that ageing adults who are already more physically active than the average are those who seek out these community programs.

Nonetheless, an increase in physical function could lead to greater life expectancy and living independently for a more extended period, as suggested in the literature [ 27 ].

The minimally clinically important difference MCID , within a clinical setting, is the smallest benefit of value to the patient and is not just based on statistical significance but meaningful changes to the individual [ 28 , 29 ]. MCID values vary depending on the physical function test and the characteristics of participants.

Interestingly, the MCID values for people without clinical conditions are hard to find in the literature. One study conducted with frail ageing adults suggests an MCID of an improvement in Similarly, another study involving ageing adults with COPD [ 31 ] reported that the MCID for the s sit-to-stand test would be two repetitions.

In comparison, another research conducted with adults undergoing vestibular rehabilitation suggests an improvement of 2. This suggests statistically significant improvement and the clinical significance for ageing adults who participated in this peer-led exercise program.

Findings suggest no significant intervention-specific improvement for metabolic health outcomes, but other studies had reported similar findings when baseline values were relatively average, as in the present study [ 33 ].

Participants in the intervention also reported a more significant improvement in general health, more energy, and fewer role limitations due to emotional problems than those in the control group.

A study conducted with 78 ageing adults who participated in a peer-led exercise program also reported an improvement in many domains of the SF despite high baseline scores [ 21 ].

According to previous studies, a greater sense of self-efficacy arising from peer-led exercise could, in part, explain a change in health perceptions [ 9 ]. It is possible that ageing adults with greater psychosocial difficulties at baseline would have experienced more significant improvements; however, it is also likely that such individuals would find it more challenging to initiate participation in a peer-led exercise group.

Peer-led exercise programs can empower seniors to serve their community. This model of exercise delivery is feasible and can be offered at a low cost. The registration was done by non-profit organizations who also identified a room to offer the free exercise program.

The next steps of this program are to impliment the model to be sustainable and study if it is possible to offer it remotely to reach more individuals. The majority of participants were women suggesting that interventions should be implemented to attract more men to peer-led exercise programs, perhaps by offering an exclusive class for men.

The fact that people needed to come to the university facilities for testing two times and regularly attend two weekly exercise sessions may have limited the accessibility of the program for people with lower socioeconomic status.

Emotional health was in favour of the control group, compared to the intervention.. Despite these limitations, the study design and the possibility of large-scale implementation of the program are strengths that counterbalance the weaknesses.

The current work demonstrates the efficacy of a peer-led exercise program in improving physical function health among ageing adults.

This finding is relevant because of the strong association between physical function and important outcomes such as fall rate, institutionalization, or premature mortality for ageing adults. Future studies need to evaluate the cost-effectiveness of peer-led exercise programs, look at strategies to offer these programs in remote areas, and identify how to attract more men.

The datasets used and analyzed during the current study are available from the corresponding author on reasonable request. He W, Goodkind D, Kowal PR. Professional fitness websites and apps offer a variety of content options: live instructional classes, on-demand streaming videos, progressive workout plans, blogs, forums, nutrition guides, recipes, goal tracking tools and much more.

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Author: Keshakar

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