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Value-for-money food choices

Value-for-money food choices

It contains an impressive amount of nutrients, Valu-for-money Value-for-money food choices vitamins, iron, manganese, Supplement samples for athletes, zinc Value-ror-money magnesium Take Assessment HelpGuide fooe user Value-for-money food choices. Expand View. Buying clubs can also help make grocery shopping a more social experience. But the pandemic accelerated the trend, spurring consumers to eat fresher, healthier food. Providing practical tips and resources for budget-friendly healthy eating can empower individuals to make informed choices.


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Value-for-money food choices -

Although based on a small sample, it is promising that in the fast food restaurant study proportional pricing seemed effective among participants who were overweight or obese, as these consumers comprise an important target group for this type of environmental interventions.

However, no such effect was found among worksite cafeteria visitors. More research is necessary to gain insight into the question why people who are overweight would be more sensitive to such pricing strategies than people with a healthy weight.

We assessed whether overweight and obese participants were more value consciousness, externally disinhibited or dietary restrained than participants with a healthy weight.

Indeed, overweight fast food restaurant visitors were more strongly restrained than visitors with a normal weight. However, no differences were found in value consciousness and external disinhibition. Our data also ruled out the possibility that, irrespective of pricing, participants with a healthy weight were more likely to choose smaller sizes than participants who were overweight, which could have overridden the effect of pricing.

More research among overweight and obese people is necessary to gain insight into the question why these individuals seem more sensitive to proportional pricing of fast food than people with a healthy weight.

Quantitative studies among specific target groups are necessary to replicate these results and to assess whether pricing strategies also affect actual purchase behaviour rather than intended behaviour. Furthermore, qualitative studies should address underlying cognitive and affective motives related to pricing and purchase behaviour.

With respect to the fact that among fast food restaurant visitors we did not find any effects of pricing among the general population, some aspects are worth mentioning.

First, it is uncertain to what extent participants have paid attention to or even noticed the prices and price proportions. As mentioned in the introduction, value size pricing is standard in most point-of-purchase settings. Furthermore, as our environment is complex and food decisions have to be made swiftly people make around food decisions every day 28 , consumers are likely to have limited cognitive and computational resources available for these decisions.

This could induce consumers to base their size choices on heuristics. In a comparable study on the impact of proportional pricing on size choices, no effects were found.

Otherwise, there is a risk that consumers continue assuming that large sizes are advantageous from an economic point of view. Multiple exposures to or explicit communication of proportional prices for instance by communicating the prices per gram might be necessary for drawing attention to pricing strategies related to portion sizes.

One of the strengths of the studies reported in this article was that the sample comprised of a wide range of consumers, in all probability representative of general fast food restaurant and worksite cafeteria consumer populations. However, both samples had a lower overweight and obesity prevalence than that in the Dutch population, which might be explained by a tendency to underreport body weight.

A limitation of these studies was that pricing strategies were manipulated through different versions of a questionnaire, and that actual choice behaviour was not assessed. This method was chosen as a means to overcome practical boundaries related to the inclusion of various food products and to facilitate the assessment of pricing strategies in different settings.

Also, empirical research has shown that people's virtual choices correspond strongly with their actual purchase and consumption behaviour. We would also suggest future studies to address the impact of repeated exposures to pricing strategies and communicating pricing strategies clearly.

With respect to applying pricing strategies to healthier foods such as fruits and vegetables, we have conducted some preliminary research on the effect of value size pricing of salads on the likelihood to select large portion sizes. Although we did not find any effects, this issue merits further study.

In conclusion, pricing strategies can help overweight and obese consumers selecting appropriate portion sizes of soft drink and high caloric snacks. It is therefore advised to put an effort into the policy development related to pricing strategies with respect to portion sizes of foods and drinks that contain many calories and few nutrients.

A difficult issue that remains is how to translate the interaction effect that was found in the fast food restaurant study between overweight status and the response to pricing strategies, to policy development. It seems neither feasible nor desirable to implement pricing strategies in settings that cater uniquely to individuals that are overweight or obese.

Furthermore, both the sizeable overweight prevalence and our study results indicating that pricing strategies did not have an adverse effect on people with a healthy weight should be considered.

Therefore, a general implementation of pricing strategies seems more realistic and appropriate. With respect to the implementation of pricing strategies, a study into the feasibility of—amongst others—pricing strategies aimed at portion size identified competition as an important barrier for point-of-purchase settings.

It might be the case that portion size interventions should be implemented widely. However, making such agreements is currently prevented by existing competition laws in order to prevent cartels.

It is therefore important that policy makers explore the possibilities for drawing up new legislation to facilitate the implementation of pricing strategies related to portion size.

Proportional pricing of portion sizes of high caloric food could help people who are overweight or obese to select smaller portion sizes. More insight is necessary into the question why people who are overweight or obese might be more responsive to proportional pricing of fast food items than people with a healthy weight, and whether this is also the case when actual behaviour is measured.

Multiple exposures to or explicit communication of proportional prices might enhance the effectiveness of pricing strategies. Public health policy makers should explore the possibilities to facilitate the implementation of pricing strategies.

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Abstract Background : Large food portion sizes are determinants of a high caloric intake, especially if they have been made attractive through value size pricing i.

environmental interventions , food portion sizes , pricing strategies , obesity. Table 1 Study conditions and prices in studies 1 and 2. Open in new tab. Table 2 Participant characteristics.

Fast food restaurant Mean SD. Worksite cafeteria Mean SD. Age Soft drink. Chicken nuggets. Hot meal. Key points. Google Scholar Crossref. Search ADS. Dissecting obesogenic environments: the development and application of a framework for identifying and prioritizing environmental interventions for obesity.

Google Scholar PubMed. OpenURL Placeholder Text. Increased portion size leads to increased energy intake in a restaurant meal.

Google Scholar OpenURL Placeholder Text. Portion size of food affects energy intake in normal-weight and overweight men and women.

Increasing the portion size of a packaged snack increases energy intake in men and women. The effect of larger portion sizes on energy intake is sustained for 11 days. Why Americans eat what they do: taste, nutrition, cost, convenience, and weight control concerns as influences on food consumption.

When are stockpiled products consumed faster? A convenience-salience framework of post-purchase consumption incidence and quantity.

From the point-of-purchase perspective: a qualitative study of the feasibility of interventions aimed at portion-size. Pricing and promotion effects on low-fat vending snack purchases: the CHIPS study. Comparison of price change and health message interventions in promoting healthy food choices.

Effects of calorie labeling and value size pricing on fast food meal choices: results from an experimental trial. Google Scholar Google Preview OpenURL Placeholder Text. Eating style: a validation study of the Dutch eating behaviour questionnaire in normal subjects and women with eating disorders.

Distinguishing coupon proneness from value consciousness: an acquisition—transaction utility theory perspective. CPB information. Underreporting of BMI in adults and its effect on obesity prevalence estimations in the period to Using extremeness aversion to fight obesity: policy implications of context dependent demand.

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Submit Cancel. Thank you for submitting a comment on this article. However, you get more broccoli for your money compared to many other green vegetables.

Among the various nutrients it provides, broccoli is an excellent source of folate, vitamin C, and vitamin K Mackerel is also a rich source of protein, selenium, vitamin B12, and vitamin D Like mackerel, canned sardines are another seafood option that offers all the benefits of oily fish for an economical price.

Canned sardines have a nutritional profile similar to mackerel and also provide high amounts of selenium, vitamin B12, and vitamin D Cannellini beans are a type of legume that provide large amounts of fiber and protein alongside a wide range of vitamins and minerals As well as being one of the most affordable fresh vegetables, carrots offer good vitamin and mineral content.

Among the nutrients they contain, carrots are exceptionally high in vitamin A retinol activity equivalents and provide a good fiber source Depending on the cheese, the producer, and the time spent aging, cheese can vary from cheap to extremely expensive.

Buying a large block of cheese can lower the price per serving, with generic store-branded options being the best value. Besides its well-known calcium provision, cheese is also an excellent source of B vitamins, phosphorus, selenium, and protein While small packs of organic chicken breast can be expensive, bulk bags of frozen chicken breast are much more affordable per serving.

Chicken breast is a significant low-calorie source of protein, and it offers high levels of selenium and various B vitamins Buying a bag of coffee will allow someone to make around cups of coffee or more for the same price as one coffee shop coffee.

Making coffee at home and limiting purchases at a cafe can result in significant savings for coffee lovers. Dark chocolate is one of those foods we think of as a treat, yet it still provides a good amount of nutritional value. For instance, just an ounce Chickpeas are a versatile and nutritious food, and a can of chickpeas provides good value concerning cost per serving.

However, dried chickpeas offer an even better deal per typical serving. Chickpeas also provide a good range of nutrients, from fiber and protein to high folate, copper, and manganese Dried lentils are available in sizes ranging from grams to large bulk tubs of 5 kilograms, with larger volumes offering the best cost-per-serving.

Alongside their protein and fiber content, lentils are also rich in folate, thiamin, copper, and manganese However, it is not just protein that eggs offer; they also provide large amounts of choline, B vitamins, iodine, and selenium Some fresh fruit, such as apples and bananas, are relatively cheap.

However, other fruits such as strawberries and raspberries can be quite expensive. For the more expensive fruits, it is easy to save a bit of money by buying them in their frozen form.

For those who like beef, some of the more popular options such as ribeye steak can cost a fair amount of money. Ground beef provides good amounts of protein and contains high levels of B vitamins, iron, selenium, and zinc Another budget-friendly meat product that costs slightly less than other red meat options is ground pork.

Similar to beef, ground pork is a good source of protein and B vitamins. Pork also provides a significant amount of selenium However, they provide a more substantial provision of nutrients than regular meat and for a lower price too.

For instance, pork liver provides a far superior amount of vitamins and minerals compared to other pork meat products, yet it costs less than half the price. Pork liver contains almost every essential nutrient, but it offers substantial levels of vitamin B vitamins, vitamin A, iron, and selenium Some organic and plant milk can be a bit more expensive, but basic dairy milk is relatively cheap.

As with most things, the cost per serving falls when buying larger-sized containers. Milk is an excellent source of protein, calcium, phosphorus, and B vitamins On the positive side, consuming a wide range of different nuts may also broaden the nutritional properties. Buying a bag of store-brand oats will also lower food spending compared to heavily marketed cereal brands.

Nutritionally, oats are an excellent source of fiber, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, and selenium Also, onions provide some vitamin C and various polyphenols, such as quercetin and kaempferol, that may have benefits 26 , Peanuts are arguably the most budget-friendly nut on store shelves, and they are just as nutritious as other nuts too.

The more peanuts you buy, the lower the serving price will be. However, even small packs of peanuts especially store-brand products are relatively low cost.

Peanuts are an excellent source of dietary fat, protein, and fiber. They also provide a broad range of essential micronutrients and particularly high amounts of copper, folate, magnesium, manganese, and vitamin E Pineapples tend to provide relatively good value for money on a per-serving basis.

Additionally, frozen pineapple chunks offer further savings. Ample supply and low labor cost where most pineapples grow mean they are available for a reasonable price.

Also, pineapples provide a broad range of essential nutrients. For example, they offer exceptionally high amounts of vitamin C and manganese Once again, potatoes are one of those foods that get cheaper when you buy in higher volume.

For those with nearby farming areas, it may be worth seeing if any farms directly sell potatoes to the public. Potatoes are a rich source of potassium and vitamin C and provide a broad range of vitamins and minerals in low to moderate amounts Instead of drinking soft drinks and expensive ready-to-drink products, a box of green or black tea is likely healthier and more affordable.

Tea contains an interesting mix of polyphenols that may provide health benefits 31 , Rather than buying expensive stir-in sauces, tomato paste offers a cheaper and likely healthier alternative. Additionally, tomato paste is the best dietary source of lycopene, a type of carotenoid that may potentially have some interesting health benefits 33 , Store-brand yogurts are a relatively cheap yet nutritious option that provides a good source of protein, calcium, and B vitamins Additionally, yogurt may have some benefits for gut health due to its probiotic content However, whole grain pasta, also known as wholewheat pasta, offers much more fiber than refined grain products for a similar price.

Wholewheat pasta also provides high amounts of manganese, magnesium, and selenium However, as this article shows, there are several things we can do to help us eat well on a budget. These include little tips like shopping lists, visiting stores near closing time, and using food waste apps.

Willemijn M. Vermeer, Value-for-money food choices Value-fod-money, Ingrid H. Steenhuis, Jacob C. Product testing campaigns : Large food portion sizes are VValue-for-money of a Valje-for-money Value-for-money food choices intake, especially if they have been made attractive through value size pricing i. lower unit prices for large than for small portion sizes. The purpose of the two questionnaire studies that are reported in this article was to assess the impact of proportional pricing i. removing beneficial prices for large sizes on people's portion size choices of high caloric food and drink items. Trying Value-vor-money feed your family Haircare sample discount foods Cost-effective pantry items breaking the Value-for-money food choices can Value-for-moey a little bit of a struggle, but guess what—it doesn't have to be! We've compiled foood list aVlue-for-money 10 Value-for-noney and healthy foods to help you keep those grocery bills down. Andrea has worked in several healthcare settings including clinical, public health and long-term care. Andrea believes in achieving optimal health by incorporating healthier eating habits into your lifestyle and making healthy eating fun! When she's not running after her two boys, she enjoys creating content to encourage self-love and promote body positivity.

Author: Brasar

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