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Sports equipment test samples

Sports equipment test samples

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Basketball equipment. ASTM F Standard Test Method for Displacement Compression of Softball and Baseball Bat Barrels, 、 ASTM F Helmets Used in Recreational Bicycling or Roller Skating. Safety: the physical and mechanical safety performance including the reliability of protection products and the structure safety of l oad-bearing products, etc.

F lammability: including the flammable test for textile product to wear or can enter. Chemical test: total lead contenttotal cadmium content, nickel release, heavy metal content, etc. P hysical and chemical propert ysuch as the bounce and roundness of ball, corrosion resistance of outdoor products, etc.

Depend on the product, test standard and test item. CTI has a professional sports equipment product testing laboratory and service technical team, which can provide enterprises with one-stop services including testing, inspection, and inspection.

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: Sports equipment test samples

Sports Equipment Match Trivia Quiz

粤ICP备号 粤公网安备 号. Home About CTI Our Services Investor Relations CTI Mall Resource Center Join Us. CN EN TC. About CTI. CTI is committed to deliver trust between Government, enterprise and customers.

Our service. By Industry. Investor Relations. Information Disclosure. We are committed to establishing normal and effective two-way communication with shareholders and investors. We have established a complete information disclosure mechanism to convey information to shareholders in a timely manner.

Resource Center. Explore the latest global standard, laws, regulations and market guides including testing technology, ethics compliance and risk management,etc. Join Us. Welcome to join CTI family!

We are providing a platform for you to show your talents and achieve your career aspiration. About CTI Company Profile Sustainability Media Center Contact Us Our Services Our Services By Industry Specialty Investor Relations Stock Information Management Information Disclosure Communications Resource Center Application Forms Reports Validation Bulletin Training Center CTI Academy Join Us Talents Policy Recruitment.

Sports Equipment Product Testing. Consulting quotation Online shopping mall. EU EN table tennis, EN Inline-skates, EN Helmets for pedal cyclists and for users of skateboards and roller skates, BS EN Playing field equipment.

USA ASTM F Standard Test Method for Displacement Compression of Softball and Baseball Bat Barrels, 、 ASTM F Helmets Used in Recreational Bicycling or Roller Skating. Related recommendations. Seasonal and Festive Products Testing.

Seasonal and festive products are used as decoration for holiday celebrations, wedding, and other special dates. Such products are Household Products Testing. Daily use articles are closely related to people's daily lives.

Based on the product quality safety and the use performance, e Goggles and Masks Testing. Goggles and masks are both effective protective equipment to prevent respiratory infections disease, and they are vital important Fashion Jewelry Products Testing.

The quality of jewelry is very important because they contact with skin for a long time. If it contains harmful substances, it wou Umbrella Product Testing. Umbrella products are frequently used in daily life.

China has issued various types of umbrella product standards. CTI provides pr. Glasses Product Testing. Glasses include sunglasses, children glasses, polarized glasses, Myopic lens, protective goggles, swimming goggles, Ski goggles, e.

Candle Product Testing. A scrum machine is used in which football category? Kiwi Kick. Aussie Rules. Question 8 of For which unusual purpose is a swimming machine used?

Manufactures artificial bubbles. Paints fixed smiles on synchronised swimmers. Enables divers to spring back to their starting blocks. Enables a swimmer to swim in the one spot. Question 9 of A stimpmeter is used in which slow moving sport?

Track and field events. Horse racing. Question 10 of A shock stop is used in which sport? Lawn bowls. Electrical fencing. Optional Create a Free FunTrivia ID to save the points you are about to earn: Select a User ID:. Most Recent Scores. Score Distribution. Quiz Answer Key and Fun Facts. Answer: Irish games of hurling or camogie A sliotar is made of solid cork, wrapped in leather.

It's about the same size as a tennis ball. It's used in the Irish team game of hurling, which has been described as "the world's fastest field team game". This game is played with a stick a hurley that looks like a large hockey stick. It can also involve either slapping the sliotar with one's hands, or passing it with the feet as well.

At certain plays in the game, the sliotar, which is not allowed to be carried in the hand for more than four steps, has to be balanced on the end of the hurley while running with it.

That sounds like fun. The female version of the game is called camogie. There is also another version of the game, called shinty, but this is played mainly in Scotland. Answer: Protective sleeves worn over cleat shoes Sports spats are a type of tight-fitting sleeves that fit over shoes with cleats, for when these shoes are used on artificial turf.

The purpose of the spat is to keep any material which may break off the artificial turf from springing up and landing in the player's foot wear. They also prevent laces from coming undone during fast moving games. Answer: Birdie The shuttlecock or birdie is described as "an open conical shape with the cone formed from sixteen or so overlapping feathers embedded into a rounded cork base".

When it is hit, its aerodynamics make the cork end turn around towards the player or players on the opposite side of the net. It makes the most satisfying clunk in the world when hit correctly.

Real feathers were used once in the manufacture of the shuttlecock, hence it being given the name of birdie. These always came from a poor old goose or duck, and peculiarly, only the feathers from the bird's left wing were used. Now, however, synthetic feathers are used when playing recreational badminton instead.

Real feathers are much preferred as the choice of the birdie in tournaments, however. These perform more efficiently in the air and while dropping towards the opposing players.

That's interesting. We just can't improve on nature, it seems. Answer: Basketball Though it is utilised in other games such as snooker or water polo, basketball is the game most associated with this piece of equipment. A shot clock is basically just a big timer.

It is believed to make the pace of the game increase so that players get shots into the net before time runs out. If the ball has left the player's hands before the clock stops, then it is still considered to be in play. You wouldn't think something as simple as a large ticking down clock could improve the game, but it does.

Prior to its installation into the sport, teams in the lead could stall endlessly, by the process of just passing the ball round to each other until the game ended.

This isn't in the spirit of the game, and audiences began to drift away from the sport as a result. The advent of the shot clock in the s saw the inauguration of the 24 second per shot rule brought into play. Over the years that followed, the time allotment varied from 24 to 35 seconds, depending on which organisation's rules players were competing under.

The shot clock makes the game more exciting. Answer: Caving British cavers in particular use the snoopy loop. Such a cute name. Snoopy loops are made from the inner tubes of car tyres.

Very durable and reliable, they have a variety of purposes. They help seal off edges of suits against water, hold various pieces of equipment worn on the body securely in place, and can, in an emergency, even be used as a sling to secure a broken bone.

Just what beginner cavers need to hear - the possibility of drowning or breaking their necks. Snoopy loops were first used in Greece, and from there they made their way to England - where they were given the name by which they became known. Answer: Cricket In cricket, if a ball even "snicks" the side of the batsman's bat when it is bowled towards him, and then is subsequently caught by a fieldsman before touching the ground, then that batsman is considered out.

In normal time play, it can sometimes be very hard to determine if the ball has indeed snicked the bat. The sound can often be confused with that of the ball hitting other parts of the batsman's equipment for example, or the bat scraping on the pitch. Whether a batsman is considered out, or safe, can make a world of difference in the game of cricket.

Matches can be won or lost over the existence or non-existence of a snick because top players can be declared out, when they're not really out at all - or vice versa. Along came the invention of the snickometer which analyses the sounds made at the batsman's end of the pitch, following a ball delivery.

This invention allows the waves of these sounds to be recorded on an electronic graph, and whenever a delivery is in question, the third umpire is called in to make a decision about it. A ball snicking a bat has a different wave pattern on the graph. How clever are they to have come up with this?

Answer: Rugby A scrum machine is a mechanically controlled platform on which padded devices are fixed. Certain members of a rugby team, known as forwards, practice their scrummaging up against it. It is meant to represent a similar pack from any other team they play against.

A scrum in real play is formed when the forwards link up together in a couple of rows. This scrum then locks into the other team's scrum, with a lot of pushing and shoving and probably an equal amount of profanity. The scrum-half then tosses the ball into the formed tunnel where the two scums meet - and both scrums then try to hook the ball with their feet to gain possession of it.

Scrummaging is a real art, requiring strength and skill and agility. Gaining the ball can win or lose a game. Answer: Enables a swimmer to swim in the one spot This invention allows swimmers to practice and perfect their stroke, speed and strength in a very small area, thereby freeing up the real pool for the use of other people.

It creates a resistance body of water through which swimmers stroke, while they actually remain in the one spot. The strength and amount of the resistance created depends on the level of skill of the swimmer involved.

There are two main types of this swimming training method.

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You can find more information about the privacy policy here. Online services. en es. Tests of sports equipment. Portable and permanent socketed goals. Lightweight goals. Services relating to the testing of sports equipment. Football goals. Handball goals. Hockey goals. Basketball equipment.

That's interesting. We just can't improve on nature, it seems. Answer: Basketball Though it is utilised in other games such as snooker or water polo, basketball is the game most associated with this piece of equipment.

A shot clock is basically just a big timer. It is believed to make the pace of the game increase so that players get shots into the net before time runs out.

If the ball has left the player's hands before the clock stops, then it is still considered to be in play. You wouldn't think something as simple as a large ticking down clock could improve the game, but it does. Prior to its installation into the sport, teams in the lead could stall endlessly, by the process of just passing the ball round to each other until the game ended.

This isn't in the spirit of the game, and audiences began to drift away from the sport as a result. The advent of the shot clock in the s saw the inauguration of the 24 second per shot rule brought into play.

Over the years that followed, the time allotment varied from 24 to 35 seconds, depending on which organisation's rules players were competing under. The shot clock makes the game more exciting.

Answer: Caving British cavers in particular use the snoopy loop. Such a cute name. Snoopy loops are made from the inner tubes of car tyres.

Very durable and reliable, they have a variety of purposes. They help seal off edges of suits against water, hold various pieces of equipment worn on the body securely in place, and can, in an emergency, even be used as a sling to secure a broken bone.

Just what beginner cavers need to hear - the possibility of drowning or breaking their necks. Snoopy loops were first used in Greece, and from there they made their way to England - where they were given the name by which they became known.

Answer: Cricket In cricket, if a ball even "snicks" the side of the batsman's bat when it is bowled towards him, and then is subsequently caught by a fieldsman before touching the ground, then that batsman is considered out.

In normal time play, it can sometimes be very hard to determine if the ball has indeed snicked the bat. The sound can often be confused with that of the ball hitting other parts of the batsman's equipment for example, or the bat scraping on the pitch. Whether a batsman is considered out, or safe, can make a world of difference in the game of cricket.

Matches can be won or lost over the existence or non-existence of a snick because top players can be declared out, when they're not really out at all - or vice versa. Along came the invention of the snickometer which analyses the sounds made at the batsman's end of the pitch, following a ball delivery.

This invention allows the waves of these sounds to be recorded on an electronic graph, and whenever a delivery is in question, the third umpire is called in to make a decision about it. A ball snicking a bat has a different wave pattern on the graph.

How clever are they to have come up with this? Answer: Rugby A scrum machine is a mechanically controlled platform on which padded devices are fixed. Certain members of a rugby team, known as forwards, practice their scrummaging up against it.

It is meant to represent a similar pack from any other team they play against. A scrum in real play is formed when the forwards link up together in a couple of rows.

This scrum then locks into the other team's scrum, with a lot of pushing and shoving and probably an equal amount of profanity.

The scrum-half then tosses the ball into the formed tunnel where the two scums meet - and both scrums then try to hook the ball with their feet to gain possession of it. Scrummaging is a real art, requiring strength and skill and agility. Gaining the ball can win or lose a game.

Answer: Enables a swimmer to swim in the one spot This invention allows swimmers to practice and perfect their stroke, speed and strength in a very small area, thereby freeing up the real pool for the use of other people. It creates a resistance body of water through which swimmers stroke, while they actually remain in the one spot.

The strength and amount of the resistance created depends on the level of skill of the swimmer involved. There are two main types of this swimming training method. One is the tether method where the swimmer remains in the one spot in the water, rather like my dog when it runs like mad on a polished floor but never actually gets anywhere.

The other type is a device where the swimmer practices his or her stroke on a machine on dry land, with no water involved at all. This should be renamed the wishful thinking machine perhaps. It costs a lot more than the former device as all the factors involved in swimming have to be designed into it - such as flotation, resistance, body weight in water, and so on.

By the s more machines employing various other methods were designed, with more and more cost involved. At the rate they're going, they'll end up costing more than installing another swimming pool.

Answer: Golf A stimpmeter can measure how far a golf ball moves on a green - without an actual player being involved. It applies different degrees of pressure on the ball, releases it on the green, and then takes note of the length travelled.

It was manufactured way back in the s by a player named Ed Stimpson. After watching various games of professional golf, he became very intrigued by the rate of speed that balls travelled on different greens.

He concluded from this that it could prove a valuable tool in the game if players knew the speed different greens generated, so that their strokes could be adjusted accordingly for each venue.

Clever man! Answer: Tennis Another clever invention. This device can considerably reduce the amount of vibration that travels through a tennis racquet after a player has struck a tennis ball. Comprehensively guarantee quality and safety, promote compliance and innovation, demonstrate brand competitiveness, and achieve higher quality, healthier, safer, and greener sustainable development.

We have established a clear governance structure in accordance with listing requirements and national regulations and policies to deal with internal and external challenges and achieve sustainable development. Sports equipment is a general term for various, equipment and supplies used in competitive sports competitions and fitness exercises.

Sports equipment and sports are interdependent and promote each other. The popularity of sports and the diversification of sports items have developed the types and specifications of sports equipment.

Similarly, high-quality, stable, and safe sports equipment can not only ensure that competitive competitions are conducted in a fair and fierce situation, but also create the necessary conditions for promoting sports levels.

CTI provides professional services to help customers control the quality of sports equipment. Many destination countries for sports equipment exports have established increasingly stringent regulations.

As a big country in the manufacture of sports goods, China still has problems such as few standards and low standards, which have become a bottleneck restricting the development of sports equipment industry. Many sports equipment has not been tested before being sold, and there are quality problems and safety hazards.

Accidents caused by sports equipment often occur. Ball and accessories: football, basketball, tennis and tennis racket, volleyball, table tennis and table tennis bats , etc.

Sports protective product, helmets, protective equipment, etc. Scooters, skateboards and skates, etc. Children's playground set. Test standard. EN table tennis, EN Inline-skates, EN Helmets for pedal cyclists and for users of skateboards and roller skates, BS EN Playing field equipment.

Basketball equipment. ASTM F Standard Test Method for Displacement Compression of Softball and Baseball Bat Barrels, 、 ASTM F Helmets Used in Recreational Bicycling or Roller Skating. Safety: the physical and mechanical safety performance including the reliability of protection products and the structure safety of l oad-bearing products, etc.

F lammability: including the flammable test for textile product to wear or can enter. Chemical test: total lead content , total cadmium content, nickel release, heavy metal content, etc.

P hysical and chemical propert y , such as the bounce and roundness of ball, corrosion resistance of outdoor products, etc. Depend on the product, test standard and test item.

CTI has a professional sports equipment product testing laboratory and service technical team, which can provide enterprises with one-stop services including testing, inspection, and inspection. 粤ICP备号 粤公网安备 号.

Sports Equipment Beginning with S Quiz Type Match Quiz. You don't need this to play basketball. Estimated time: 3 mins. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Badminton is the only racquet sport that does not use a ball. More to Explore Quiz From the Vault.
Centre Sports equipment test samples International Group Crafty giveaway items. Free sample events equipmfnt a proponent of carbon neutrality and sustainable development. Centre Testing International Co. Our service capabilties cover the upstream and downstream of the supply chain including textile and apparel,toys,electronic appliances,medical health,food andother industries.


Name That Thing: Sports Equipment

Sports equipment test samples -

Click here to Join FunTrivia. Thousands of games, quizzes, and lots more! Sports Equipment Match Trivia Quiz For this quiz, you will need to match one piece of equipment that is needed to play the individual sports on the list. Some sports will have other equipment, but it will not appear on the list here.

Some knowledge about sports will be required. Estimated time: 3 mins. Type Match Quiz. Difficulty Very Easy. a Drag-and-drop from the right to the left, or b click on a right side answer box and then on a left side box to move it.

Questions Choices 1. Select each answer. Most Recent Scores. Quiz Answer Key and Fun Facts. Badminton Answer: Shuttlecock A shuttlecock is also known as a birdie.

Badminton is the only racquet sport that does not use a ball. The light shuttlecock is hit back and forth over a net similar to, but higher than a net in tennis. Rodeo Answer: Saddle There is something called "bareback riding" where participants do not use saddles, but some other rodeo events require the participants to use a saddle on the horses that they ride.

Rodeos are popular sporting events in the Americas, and Australia. Baseball Answer: Bat Baseball players use a bat to try to hit a ball that is thrown towards them by the pitcher on the opposing team. If they get a hit into the field, they are allowed to run the bases.

If they manage to run past three bases and arrive at the fourth, or "home base" safely, their team earns one point. Golf Answer: Club People who play golf use a variety of clubs to hit a small ball around an open course while they aim to get the ball in a small hole. You need to enable JavaScript to run this app.

Register now. QUIZ SPORTS EQUIPMENT. Rubén Created on January 17, Report content. More creations to inspire you View. TRUE FALSE GEOGRAPHY Quizzes.

PARTS OF SPEECH REVIEW Quizzes. ANIMALS BY CATEGORY Quizzes. DRACULA ESL Quizzes. This game is played with a stick a hurley that looks like a large hockey stick. It can also involve either slapping the sliotar with one's hands, or passing it with the feet as well.

At certain plays in the game, the sliotar, which is not allowed to be carried in the hand for more than four steps, has to be balanced on the end of the hurley while running with it. That sounds like fun.

The female version of the game is called camogie. There is also another version of the game, called shinty, but this is played mainly in Scotland. Answer: Protective sleeves worn over cleat shoes Sports spats are a type of tight-fitting sleeves that fit over shoes with cleats, for when these shoes are used on artificial turf.

The purpose of the spat is to keep any material which may break off the artificial turf from springing up and landing in the player's foot wear. They also prevent laces from coming undone during fast moving games.

Answer: Birdie The shuttlecock or birdie is described as "an open conical shape with the cone formed from sixteen or so overlapping feathers embedded into a rounded cork base".

When it is hit, its aerodynamics make the cork end turn around towards the player or players on the opposite side of the net.

It makes the most satisfying clunk in the world when hit correctly. Real feathers were used once in the manufacture of the shuttlecock, hence it being given the name of birdie. These always came from a poor old goose or duck, and peculiarly, only the feathers from the bird's left wing were used.

Now, however, synthetic feathers are used when playing recreational badminton instead. Real feathers are much preferred as the choice of the birdie in tournaments, however.

These perform more efficiently in the air and while dropping towards the opposing players. That's interesting. We just can't improve on nature, it seems.

Answer: Basketball Though it is utilised in other games such as snooker or water polo, basketball is the game most associated with this piece of equipment. A shot clock is basically just a big timer. It is believed to make the pace of the game increase so that players get shots into the net before time runs out.

If the ball has left the player's hands before the clock stops, then it is still considered to be in play. You wouldn't think something as simple as a large ticking down clock could improve the game, but it does.

Prior to its installation into the sport, teams in the lead could stall endlessly, by the process of just passing the ball round to each other until the game ended.

This isn't in the spirit of the game, and audiences began to drift away from the sport as a result. The advent of the shot clock in the s saw the inauguration of the 24 second per shot rule brought into play. Over the years that followed, the time allotment varied from 24 to 35 seconds, depending on which organisation's rules players were competing under.

The shot clock makes the game more exciting. Answer: Caving British cavers in particular use the snoopy loop. Such a cute name. Snoopy loops are made from the inner tubes of car tyres. Very durable and reliable, they have a variety of purposes.

They help seal off edges of suits against water, hold various pieces of equipment worn on the body securely in place, and can, in an emergency, even be used as a sling to secure a broken bone. Just what beginner cavers need to hear - the possibility of drowning or breaking their necks. Snoopy loops were first used in Greece, and from there they made their way to England - where they were given the name by which they became known.

Answer: Cricket In cricket, if a ball even "snicks" the side of the batsman's bat when it is bowled towards him, and then is subsequently caught by a fieldsman before touching the ground, then that batsman is considered out. In normal time play, it can sometimes be very hard to determine if the ball has indeed snicked the bat.

The sound can often be confused with that of the ball hitting other parts of the batsman's equipment for example, or the bat scraping on the pitch. Whether a batsman is considered out, or safe, can make a world of difference in the game of cricket. Matches can be won or lost over the existence or non-existence of a snick because top players can be declared out, when they're not really out at all - or vice versa.

Along came the invention of the snickometer which analyses the sounds made at the batsman's end of the pitch, following a ball delivery.

This invention allows the waves of these sounds to be recorded on an electronic graph, and whenever a delivery is in question, the third umpire is called in to make a decision about it. A ball snicking a bat has a different wave pattern on the graph.

How clever are they to have come up with this? Answer: Rugby A scrum machine is a mechanically controlled platform on which padded devices are fixed. Certain members of a rugby team, known as forwards, practice their scrummaging up against it.

It is meant to represent a similar pack from any other team they play against. A scrum in real play is formed when the forwards link up together in a couple of rows. This scrum then locks into the other team's scrum, with a lot of pushing and shoving and probably an equal amount of profanity.

The scrum-half then tosses the ball into the formed tunnel where the two scums meet - and both scrums then try to hook the ball with their feet to gain possession of it.

Scrummaging is a real art, requiring strength and skill and agility. Gaining the ball can win or lose a game.

Pocket-friendly food deals Soorts equipment must be assessed both in the factory and once saples Pocket-friendly food deals been Sporhs in Thrifty Household Essentials Deals different Spogts areas before samplex. Pocket-friendly food deals is because any product Sports equipment test samples ttest the ssmples must be Trial size protein powder, and text responsible asmples be able to guarantee its safety during its entire useful tets, which free sample events inspections and appropriate maintenance, in order to ensure its usability. This implies that when these products are placed on the Sample our product and used by the equipmnt they free sample events equipmeng. It is essential that their safety be assessed each year due to the use made of them, mainly in those places where children and teenagers can play and practice sports freely or under supervision, given that they are more vulnerable in the case of any sporting equipment falling over, such as a basketball ring or a goal. As we are an international reference laboratory in everything related to the world of children, from the product to the environment, we are knowledgeable and experienced in child safety and we perform safety tests for all manner of sports equipment according to European and international legislation and regulations. Our tests are carried out according to the following European standards, applied to sports equipment:. Sports equipment is thoroughly checked both in the factory and once installed in the playing field, as the tests can be destructive given that they can be influenced by applying structural loads, the way they have been installed and the climatic conditions to which they are exposed.

Author: Mejora

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