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Sample campaign trials online

Sample campaign trials online

In these examples, you will gift tag samples xampaign a good product can go Affordable fitness supplements long way when it is combined gift tag samples Sanple right product campign strategy. Some campaiign provide trixls forms of support for their volunteers, which can cut down your living costs. Previous Next. It centers the product in a fun, attractive way. Is your business using free trials at the bottom of the marketing funnel to help prospects make a purchasing decision? Inthe irreverent party card game Cards Against Humanity pulled a stunt that has still yet to be explained and baffles anyone who hears about it.

On August 20,triaals TikTok video camoaign posted, Discounted dining vouchers that Disney World was going to Sakple the lnline age to onliine It onlne stated that Disney World was triala the Ssmple government in cakpaign to get a resort exemption, triasl would trixls anyone 18 and older to drink dampaign property.

Low-cost restaurant specials TikTok cmapaign acquired campagin of views in just a couple days. This story was also posted trrials facebook, knline, and Twitter. Shortly Sampple, the story made it on Campaigb 10 News. Triald video originated from an trialss posted on a campaig called Mouse Onnline News.

Small segment of the original article below. Full article can Samplw found here: "Drinking Onlie at Disney World Obline be Lowered to 18". The Claim: Campagin Disney Company campaigm seeking frugal cooking tips resort exemption to lower the drinking age campaiign 18 years old, in Disney World, Florida.

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The news segment Free vegetable plant samples be viewed here. Go obline to the source: The TikTok video originally came from an article published by the same TikTok gift tag samples, mousetrapnews. They have trias own webpage dedicated to news stories noline disneyland parks.

The original trialss claimed that Sample campaign trials online was battling Florida in the courts over the minimum drinking age, but no evidence campqign as sources or camlaign filings are mentioned. Sample campaign trials online laterally: Upon further exploration onlin the site itself, their About page actually bluntly onlinw that they only write fake stories about Disney Parks see picture trails.

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We can also check another form of social capaign the campaogn has. Interestingly Sakple, many of the Mouse Trap News fake news stories trils Sample campaign trials online featured on campxign news dampaign and shows, such as The Associated Press, USA Today, frials Sample campaign trials online The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon.

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This claim campaigj further elevated on October 15,a town hall Clothing sample events by Cmpaign, interviewed U.

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This information was trals, misinterpreted. Below Cheap supermarket prices the CDC's tweet addressing omline misinformation.

Check Your Emotions: Sqmple use yrials masks and its effectiveness against COVID was trlals highly politicized topic when the pandemic started. By downplaying Smple severity campakgn the virus despite all the losses recorded by the CampaifnPresident Trump's attitude onkine the pandemic and the Sample product trials of masks contributed the view that the COVID onlime health crisis Sammple be viewed cwmpaign a political issue.

For more campajgn on COVID myths and using Michael Caufield's Four Moves and a Sampld to fact check them, visit our Pnline Vaccines Libguide. The Claim: Campaignn U. Capitol police gave the protesters an "okay" to enter grials Capitol.

Lnline The U, Sample campaign trials online. Capitol police never gave protestors permission to enter campwign Capitol. Campxign doses of vitamin Gift tag samples are not a proven Ssmple an effective cure for COVID Check for previous work: In this case if we looked for "adrenochrome putin shipment" to check for previous work, we would find that politifact.

com already did a fact check on this story. Go upstream to the source: This example is from Real Raw News. This website is known for fabricating stories; if that's information you knew coming into this evaluation, you would know this is an automatic red flag and we could stop here.

However, if you didn't know that, you could make a few judgements about what other stories are on the page to get a sense of the angle and political bias for this news source.

If you research Andrei Zakharov, whose name was used as a source of information, you'll find that he is a Russian journalist that works for the BBC Russian Service, not as Russian FSB Agent. As a story featuring adrenochrome and blood harvesting with a history of conspiracy theories behind it, you should already be skeptical.

Looking up some of the facts in the story help us determine more about its truthiness. Read laterally: Given what we've learned from steps 1 and 2, at this point in the evaluation we could stop our search, dismiss the story, and move on with our lives.

However, if we aren't satisfied with what we found, out next step is to look for other stories about this issue. Are other reports of this story coming from reputable sources?

Is the story reported elsewhere with the same facts? Are there discrepancies in what's being reported? This is the step where we need to be paying extra attention to who's publishing the story that corroborates this narrative.

On the internet you can find pretty much anything you look for, but "anything" isn't always an accurate story to trust. Circle back: There's plenty of facts within this story for us to investigate and check.

However, we eventually want to come to a conclusion and circling back will bring us to the question of whether this story has any truth. Given what we've learned: no, this is not factual. Check your Emotions: The habit we're practicing throughout is about checking our emotions.

Do I want this story to be true? Does this story sound too outrageous to be true? Am I attached to what the truth about this story is one way or another?

The Claim: chickens are not laying eggs, because RNA is being added to commercial chicken feed. This example is from Before It's News; it's also featured on at least one other similarly fake website. The amounts supposedly owed by the Obamas are pretty unbelievable.

It also includes some grammatical issues, and "eleventy" isn't a word. Among the most notorious fake news stories of was one alleging that Hillary Clinton was running a child-prostitution ring out of a Washington, D. This had real-world consequences for the employees of that pizzeria when an armed man decided to "self-investigate" the rumors, as described in "Dissecting the PizzaGate Conspiracy Theories," by Gregor Aisch, Jon Huang, and Cecilia Kang.

During the election, another persistent fake news story was that Donald Trump won both the popular vote and the electoral college vote.

That Trump won the electoral college by a clear margin is undisputed. While the federal government did not release the official results of the popular vote until mid, a great number of sources, ranging from the more conservative The Wall Street Journal to the more liberal The New York Times reported Hillary Clinton winning the popular vote by margins ranging from approximately a million votes on Nov.

During the presidential campaign, fake news sites circulated several stories alleging that Hillary Clinton was in poor health, the implication being that she was not fit enough for the rigors of the presidency. Fake news site 70News dedicated an entire section to these rumors, most of which were bolstered by photos or video clips showing Clinton in moments of apparent frailty or disorientation.

This illustrates a common fake news tactic: the use of tidbits of truthful imagery to support exaggerated or unsubstantiated claims. Laura Mallonee writes about this phenomenon in " How Photos Fuel the Spread of Fake News. In many cases, spotting a fake news story takes paying attention to the message and clues around it.

In this example, American News features an image of President Ronald Reagan, a revered Republican, in its title logo, suggesting its partisanship.

However, this becomes irrelevant when one bothers to look past the headlines at the actual stories. The story featured below involves Muslims, but bears no other relation to its headline: it's about someone urinating on a prayer rug at the University of Michigan.

Not all fake news is geared toward a conservative audience; liberals may be just as quick to believe falsehoods that seem to confirm their hopes and fears. A February story run by Alternative Media Syndicate claimed that police forces arrayed against the pipeline protesters at the Standing Rock Indian Reservation raided and burned a protester camp, offering graphic imagery of flaming tipis as proof.

This story is completely false; the image was taken from a HBO film, Bury My Heart At Wounded Knee. com debunks the story here. In Februaryafter surviving a shooting in which 17 of her schoolmates died, Florida teenager Emma Gonzalez became an outspoken proponent of gun control legislation.

Not long after, imagery of her apparently tearing up a copy of the U. constitution went viral on right-wing websites.

This imagery was doctored ; the originals came from a Teen Vogue photo shoot in which Gonzalez symbolically tore up a target sign. Photo manipulation is a time-honored propaganda tactic, but is now easier than ever thanks to Photoshop and other editing tools. It's time to test your fake news detection skills.

Consider the following story from Focus News:. Work in groups of Using any methods you can think of, try to determine whether the story is a false, b true, or c a mix of truth and falsehood.

Go back to the home page of this guide if you need some direction on what to look for. Discuss which if any of the fake news hallmarks from the first page of this guide are evident in this story. Ask CWU Libraries. CWU Libraries Home.

Practice: Case Studies Case Study 1 Case Study 1 - Explained Case Study 2 Case Study 2 - Explained On August 20,a TikTok video was posted, claiming that Disney World was going to lower the drinking age to Check for previous work: For this case, we looked up this claim on Snopes and FactCheck.

org fake news fact checker. Both resources claim the information as false and misleading. This study examined how SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID, may be transmitted both within communities and between close contacts.

While Trump used the correct percentage from the study, the data was misinterpreted. The study reported that 85 percent had reported wearing masks always or often. The study also found that for those in the group who had tested negative, 89 percent had reported wearing masks with the same frequency.

: Sample campaign trials online

10 Free Trial Landing Page Examples to Inspire You

Both of these inclusions align with the overall intent of the email: reducing stress. Crew combines humor with a low-stress, low-friction solution to a gifting struggle that many people have.

I also love the image of a shoddily wrapped gift, signaling how much easier it is to buy a gift card — no wrapping required. These are the automated emails you get after taking action with a business, which can be anything from filling out a form to purchasing a product.

Often, these are plain text emails that marketers set and forget. The project timeline and accompanying table are a unique way for charity: water to keep audiences engaged and display their actions' impact on the organization and community it serves. The email stays top-of-mind and increases future participation.

The beauty of Uber's emails is in their simplicity. Email subscribers are alerted to deals and promotions with emails like this one. I love how brief the initial description is, and it's paired with a very clear CTA — perfect for users that are quickly skimming the email.

If you want to learn more about the offer, the header is followed by a more detailed but still pleasingly simple explanation of the ease and benefits of the Uber Rent Valet promotion.

All communications and marketing assets tell a brand's story — and brand consistency is one tactic Uber nails to gain brand loyalty.

This email demonstrates the usual Uber colors and imagery, while making the value proposition clear. I also love how consistent the design of Uber's emails is with its brand. Like its app, website, social media photos, and other visual branding, the emails are represented by its black-and-white palette and custom font.

I love TheSkimm's daily newsletter — especially its clean design and its short, punchy paragraphs. But newsletters aren't TheSkimm's only strength when it comes to email.

This subscriber engagement email rewards a subscriber for being subscribed for several years. It includes the date they signed up, the number of mornings spent together, and time spent reading the newsletter — talk about a high level of personalization!

Emails triggered by milestones, like anniversaries and birthdays, are fun to get — who doesn't like to celebrate a special occasion? The beauty of anniversary emails, in particular, is that they can work for a variety of senders. If your business stores subscriber data, you can simply customize the email to each subscriber with the data you already have.

Think you know all about the people who are reading your marketing emails? How much of what you "know" about them is based on assumptions? The strongest buyer personas are based on insights you gather from your actual readership through surveys, interviews, and so on — in addition to market research.

The image above is an example of an email Lindsay Kolowich Cox, former Marketing Manager at HubSpot, received from the brand. It reads like an email from a friend or colleague asking for a quick favor.

Not only was this initial email great, but Matt actually responded to Kolowich Coxs' answers — and his reply was even better. She said, "Within a few days of responding to the questionnaire, I received a long and detailed personal email from Matt thanking me for filling out the questionnaire and offering a ton of helpful advice and links to resources specifically catered to my answers.

I was very impressed by his business acumen, communication skills, and obvious dedication to his readers. The subject line of this email from beauty product subscription service Birchbox got my colleague Pam Vaughan clicking.

It read: "We Forgot Something in Your February Box! This is an excellent co-marketing partnership email. As it turned out, the discount code was actually a bonus promo for Rent the Runway, a dress rental company that likely fits the interest profile of most Birchbox customers — which certainly didn't disappoint.

It gained her attention and delivered some unexpected delight. I also love how frills-free it is — the message is mostly text, making it feel like an email one would receive from a friend. I have to say, I'm a sucker for GIFs.

They're easy to consume, they catch your eye, and they have an emotional impact — like the fun GIF in one of Postmates' emails that's not only delightful to watch, but also makes you crave some delicious Chipotle.

You, too, can use animated GIFs in your marketing to show a fun header, draw people's eyes to a certain part of the email, or display your products and services in action. It centers the product in a fun, attractive way. Not only that, but it effectively catches my eye, differentiating the message from others in my inbox.

But Dropbox found a way to make its "Try out one of our products! Plus, the email remains short and sweet, emphasizing the message that Dropbox didn't want to intrude — it just wants to remind the recipient that Dropbox Paper exists and why it could be helpful.

When sending these types of emails, you might include an incentive for recipients to try out one of your specific products, like a limited-time coupon or a free trial. Every week, the folks at InVision send a roundup of their best blog content, their favorite design links from the week, and a new opportunity to win a free t-shirt.

They give away a new design every week. It also sometimes has fun survey questions to crowdsource for its blog. For example, one week, it asked subscribers what they would do if the internet didn't exist. Not only is InVision's newsletter a great mix of content, but I also love the nice balance between images and text, making it easy to read and mobile-friendly.

The balance is especially important because its newsletters are so long. If it as text-heavy the risk of losing attention increases significantly. Each message features three distinct sections: one for ingredients, one for instructions, and one for additional recipes.

we have a question for you. I love the simple, guilt-free messaging here, from the endearing egg images to the great CTA button copy. Not only is the design and copy top-notch, but I applaud the folks at Cuisinart for sending automated unsubscribe emails in the first place.

It's smart to purge your subscriber lists of folks who aren't opening your email lists, because low open rates can seriously hurt email deliverability.

The button copy is a pattern interrupt that will prompts recipients to pause and think about which action they want to take: Customize their preferences or completely unsubscribe. When you think of "holiday email marketing," your mind might jump straight to Christmas, but there are other holidays sprinkled throughout the rest of the year that you can create campaigns around.

Download these email marketing planning templates to keep yourself organized throughout the year. Take this email from Paperless Post, for example. Then, the subheader prompts the recipient to use Paperless Post to invite friends and colleagues for a drink.

Below this copy, the simple grid design is both easy to scan and quite visually appealing. Each button is a CTA in and of itself — click on any one of them, and you'll be taken to a purchase page. Many of us tend to listen to podcast episodes from the same few shows instead of branching out.

This email makes quite brilliant use of responsive design. As humans, we tend to crave personalized experiences. You might even feel like the company sending you the email knows you in some way, and that it cares about your preferences and making you happy.

Internet providers and bad weather are natural enemies. You'd think telecommunications companies wouldn't want to call attention to storm-induced power outages — the one thing that sets off customers' impatience. Then, there's RCN. RCN, a cable and wireless internet service, turned this email marketing campaign into a weather forecast just for its customers.

This "storm update" got the company out ahead of an event threatening its service, while allowing its users to get the weather updates they need from their Wi-Fi provider. The email even advises personal safety — a nice touch of care to go with the promise of responsive service.

It simply offers an update. No promoting, no selling. The recipient's best interests are in mind, and they're setting expectations for something that they may imminently care about. At the bottom of the email, RCN also took the opportunity to highlight its social media channels, advising customers of another way to stay informed of network outages on channels they may check more than email.

I'm a huge advocate of thought leadership. Some of the best companies gain customer loyalty by becoming the go-to source for expertise on a given topic. Further down in the email, the details of the course are laid out, giving potential students a breakdown of what they can expect to learn.

The language is friendly, succinct, and persuasive. The email uses a friendly tone and a sense of urgency to entice customers to purchase the course. It harnesses the power of social proof to give an added layer of credibility. When Desiree Linden won the Boston Marathon, she became the first American woman to win the race in more than 30 years.

To her shoe and apparel sponsor, Brooks Sports, it was an opportunity to celebrate their long partnership together. The resulting email campaign focuses almost entirely on the Olympic marathoner's amazing accomplishment.

Email campaigns like this one allow companies to demonstrate their loyalties and add value to the products their best users have chosen. Not pictured is a blue CTA button at the bottom of the email that reads, "See Desiree's go-to gear.

After Desiree's victory, everyone knew her name. Brooks Sports struck while the iron was hot with a proud email that was sure to be opened and forwarded. What better products to call attention to than the stuff worn by one of America's legends?

I love this email from Etsy. Not only is the design super eye-catching — without looking cluttered — but the home items are user-made. Etsy sells merchandise featuring designs from artists all over the world. This example showcases creations by several Etsy shops.

The email lets the items speak for themselves, showcasing them as art rather than products. We also love the cohesive aesthetic of the showcased Etsy shops. Spotify is the king of personalization Spotify Wrapped, anyone? The offer, which is to buy a cassette of the album, harkens to the nostalgic feelings highlighted by Olivia Rodrigo in her songs and by recent trends on TikTok and Instagram.

From the imagery to the call-to-action, this email is well-poised to generate purchases. I also love the color palette, which diverges from the Spotify branding only to highlight the colors from the album.

Executing your email marketing campaign. Download This Planning Template. As with all marketing efforts, the first step is to decide on your desired outcome. Is it to clean up your list? Promote a new product? Different campaigns require different tactics, so determining the purpose of your campaign helps you create the targets you want to hit.

The key to a great email marketing campaign is understanding your audience and why they subscribe to your emails. When you know this, you can share content with them that directly aligns with their interests.

Another crucial step is creating a timeline. But, a long-term top-of-mind nurturing campaign, like building hype for the launch of a new product, will be much more than 2 emails.

Tailor the length of your email sequences including follow-ups to the length of the buying cycle and stage the persona is at in the buyer's journey. This is why creating good subject lines, and email copy in general including multimedia elements is a pivotal part of the email marketing process as it can mean the difference between excellent open rates or your emails sitting unopened in an inbox.

AI tools, like our Email Writer and Campaign Assistant , help you quickly write and design email marketing campaigns.

There are several options depending on your needs, including HubSpot , MailChimp , Pabbly Email Marketing, and Constant Contact. As your campaign runs, take notes. Are your open rates and click rates what you expected?

Are you on track to hitting your goals with the campaign? Are you ready to dive deeper and actually get started with your email marketing campaign? Email marketing is a fantastic way to nurture leads, engage subscribers, and retain customers. The examples I shared above will help you brainstorm winning campaigns that drive sales and offer a high ROI.

Marketing software that helps you drive revenue, save time and resources, and measure and optimize your investments — all on one easy-to-use platform.

Lindsay Kolowich Cox. What is an email marketing campaign? Clinical Operations. Clinical Trial Supply Chain. Data Management. Early Phase Development. Executive Roundtable. Feature Article. Industry Trends. Investigative Sites.

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And what's truly remarkable is that his ascent and preparation to jump, alone, allowed him to break another record before landing safely back on Earth spoiler alert : Red Bull streamed the entire event online, and saw the highest viewing traffic of any live stream ever broadcast on YouTube — at just over 8 million viewers.

Want to see that experience again? Check out Red Bull's recap video below. I won't lie, I indulged in a rewatching as I wrote this article. The rooms are designed and created with brand partners, who range from personalities like artists and musicians, to consumer-facing companies like Dunkin' Donuts, Dyson, and Cadillac.

Each year, 29Rooms has a different theme, with this year's being "Turn It Into Art. A truly hands-on experience, indeed. It's disconcerting how many commercials today tell women to change something about themselves. Sitting on the couch and watching TV for just two minutes, I had already lost count of the number of times that message came up.

That's why it's so refreshing to see brands like Lean Cuisine, whose marketing used to center solely on weight loss, stray from diet-centric messaging.

And its WeighThis campaign is a great example of just that. As part of the campaign, Lean Cuisine curated a gallery of "scales" in New York's Grand Central Station, and invited women to "weigh in.

And rather than focusing on their weight in pounds — or anything pertaining to body image — the women opted to be measured by things like being back in college at 55, caring for homeless children each day, or being the sole provider to four sons. What's particularly cool about this experience is that none of the participants actually interact with a Lean Cuisine product.

No one was interrupted, asked to sample something, or stopped to answer questions. In fact, no one was really asked to do anything — the display itself was enough to make people stop, observe, and then voluntarily interact. Lean Cuisine figured out what message it wanted to send: "Sure, we make stuff that fits into a healthy lifestyle.

But don't forget about your accomplishments. That matters more than the number on the scale. Still, the experience was clearly branded, to make sure people associated it with Lean Cuisine. The company's Twitter handle and a branded hashtag were featured on the display in large text, which made it easy for people to share the experience on social media.

The experience included "flavor rooms", which were each complete with decor and fragrances unique to a certain flavor. In today's digital-first world, a good experience doesn't have to be in-person. But traditionally, consumers still want to test out new makeup products before purchasing — which created a challenge for Benefit Cosmetics during the worldwide pandemic, in which most retail locations were closed.

To draw attention to its new Magnet Extreme Lengthening Mascara, Benefit, working with Because Creative Experiences , chose to create an immersive experience in which users could collect tokens and exchange those tokens for discounts, mascaras, or virtual beauty consultations on Benefit's website.

Best of all, they used Augmented Reality to create a fun, unique experience for their users. Here's how it worked: Once users signed into Benefit's Virtual Reality platform, they were asked to drop their location.

Next, thanks to Augmented Reality, the prospects could use their phones to find tokens in their physical space. I mage Source. Tough to remember, right? We're kind of a species of "mindless swipers" — globally, an estimated billion non-cash transactions are made each year.

And knowing how often we whip out our cards, German relief NGO Misereor decided to put our bad habit to good use with its charitable giving billboard. It was what they called SocialSwipe.

Set up in airports, these digital posters would display images of some problems that Misereor works to resolve — hunger was depicted with a loaf of bread, for example. Even cooler? Needless to say, this experience required a lot of coordination — with banks, airports, and a mobile payment platform.

Because of that, the experience couldn't just be a one-time occurrence. The people who interacted with it were later reminded of it during a pretty common occurrence: receiving a bank statement. To celebrate Pride Month, Lululemon worked with MKG to create an immersive, thoughtful experience that combined an engaging social media campaign with real-life community-centered events.

The brand shared their responses via images and video on Lululemon's Instagram page throughout the month. Next, the brand created an art installation at Hudson River Park that reflected those same responses.

This space, which stayed in the Park for two weeks, encouraged passersbys to read and reflect. That's not all, though — Lululemon also created a community-focused yoga practice in the same park, which aimed to raise money for The Trevor Project.

Image Source. The booth included a swing playfully alluding to tennis , which encouraged famous tennis players, models, and influencers to take pictures to post on social media — a good opportunity to collect user-generated content and expand their reach quickly.

Naming itself "the official ice cream of Wimbledon", Häagen-Dazs created a commercial for the limited edition flavor, as well:. Facebook — who also owns Instagram — has always understood how much data it has on how people use these platforms. For that reason, it created the Facebook IQ Live experience.

For this experience, that data was used to curate live scenes that depicted the data. Among them was the IQ Mart: A "retail" setting that represented the online shopper's conversion path when using social media for buying decisions.

There was also a quintessential Instagram cafe, chock full of millennial-esque photo opportunities and people snapping them — latte art and all. The campaign wasn't just memorable.

But what makes those insights so valuable? Momentum Worldwide, the agency behind Facebook IQ Live, puts it perfectly : "When we understand what matters to people we can be what matters to them. And by creating this experience, Facebook was able to accomplish that for its own brand. In creating this experience, it also created a positive brand perception for a few audiences — including, for example, the people who might have been unsure of how to use the platform for business.

Recently, Vans hosted House of Vans pop-up locations at skateparks within major cities like NYC and Chicago. This gave skateboarders a place to meet up, connect, listen to live music, and shred.

Vans also used these skatepark-based popups to promote the launch of their new shoe line which honored David Bowie. With Vans being a leading shoe line of skateboarders, pop-ups in and near skateparks seem like a natural fit for an experiential marketing experience.

By marketing primarily on social media, the company was able to get the campaign to go viral. People began following where the Rickmobile was via a live destination page on the adult swim site. When the Rickmobile hit major cities, people flocked to it to take a picture with Rick's face and enter the mobile where they could purchase products related to the TV show.

In Zurich, during the FIFA World Cup, Coca-Cola placed a VR experience in front of a train station. The average person subscribes to 2. With several platforms vying for our attention, brands like Netflix have gotten more targeted with its emails.

This email from Netflix provides a curated list of new shows the customer may be interested in based on their watch history. It's skimmable with plenty of visuals supporting the new releases and provides a CTA that prompts you to watch the trailer.

How to execute and measure successful email marketing campaigns. The CTAs in this email entice the user to stop what they're doing and head over to Netflix to check out the new content.

Have a new product or project in the works? It's a good idea to let your subscribers know prior to the launch, especially if you've been away for a while. Fitness expert and trainer Lita Lewis did just that in this email, where she reconnects with her subscribers and informs them about her upcoming app.

Did you see that? Did you see it move? Pretty cool, right? It also leverages exclusivity by telling us that the promotion is a benefit of having a Starbucks membership.

Love it. Emails can get static, boring, and impersonal. This email subverts the expectations of a dreary, text-heavy newsletter without going overboard, and the focus on exclusivity makes it especially interesting.

Venmo makes an effort to reengage lost users with this friendly, informational email. By highlighting their app's most recent changes and benefits, the copy works to entice recipients to give the app another chance.

The email might turn me away if it took the choice out of my hands and crammed information about new features into a text-heavy email. I also love the branded imagery and engaging graphics. This email from Litmus is another great example of using animation to create a more interesting marketing email.

The header also does an excellent job of explicitly stating what the email is about, leaving no room for confusion. The animation is subtle, and it's executed in a way that serves to enhance the email's body copy.

Even better, it works well with the design of the email, creating a matching but contrasting focal point before diving into the rest of the email copy.

This email from Loft demonstrates its understanding of consumers' overwhelming, crowded, and mixed-value inboxes. It wants to make sure you receive emails you actually want to open, and asks you to update your preferences to deliver a more personalized experience.

This is a customer-focused email, effectively making the recipient feel like their likes, dislikes, and opinions matter. I think this email from UncommonGoods expertly creates a sense of urgency by focusing on the value of acting now but in a more palatable and less demanding way.

I always appreciate DAVIDsTEA email marketing, and they continuously deliver, especially with this cheeky re-engagement campaign. The copy is also bursting with friendly personalized. In-depth research on how to create a revenue-driving newsletter. Personalization is the winning factor in this email.

From the timing birthday to the personalized salutation, this email was sent to the right person at the right time. I also love the image of the team, making it feel even more personable.

If you want to strengthen your relationship with your existing customers, consider setting up a quick email like this to let them know you're thinking of them.

That's quite powerful, wouldn't you agree? Appealing to this consumer value is a great way to inspire customers to take action with your business to support an important cause.

People want to be part of something that makes a difference, and this email aims to motivate them. Crew Factory understands this struggle and created the email above to tell me and the rest of the community incapable of pulling off Pinterest-worthy wrap jobs that we have other options: gift cards.

The email does an incredible job at lowering the purchasing barrier in two ways: telling me about the two different ways to pick up a gift card in store or online , and a map to the nearest store location if I decide to make an in person visit.

Both of these inclusions align with the overall intent of the email: reducing stress. Crew combines humor with a low-stress, low-friction solution to a gifting struggle that many people have.

I also love the image of a shoddily wrapped gift, signaling how much easier it is to buy a gift card — no wrapping required. These are the automated emails you get after taking action with a business, which can be anything from filling out a form to purchasing a product.

Often, these are plain text emails that marketers set and forget. The project timeline and accompanying table are a unique way for charity: water to keep audiences engaged and display their actions' impact on the organization and community it serves.

The email stays top-of-mind and increases future participation. The beauty of Uber's emails is in their simplicity. Email subscribers are alerted to deals and promotions with emails like this one. I love how brief the initial description is, and it's paired with a very clear CTA — perfect for users that are quickly skimming the email.

If you want to learn more about the offer, the header is followed by a more detailed but still pleasingly simple explanation of the ease and benefits of the Uber Rent Valet promotion. All communications and marketing assets tell a brand's story — and brand consistency is one tactic Uber nails to gain brand loyalty.

This email demonstrates the usual Uber colors and imagery, while making the value proposition clear. I also love how consistent the design of Uber's emails is with its brand. Like its app, website, social media photos, and other visual branding, the emails are represented by its black-and-white palette and custom font.

I love TheSkimm's daily newsletter — especially its clean design and its short, punchy paragraphs. But newsletters aren't TheSkimm's only strength when it comes to email. This subscriber engagement email rewards a subscriber for being subscribed for several years.

It includes the date they signed up, the number of mornings spent together, and time spent reading the newsletter — talk about a high level of personalization! Emails triggered by milestones, like anniversaries and birthdays, are fun to get — who doesn't like to celebrate a special occasion?

The beauty of anniversary emails, in particular, is that they can work for a variety of senders. If your business stores subscriber data, you can simply customize the email to each subscriber with the data you already have.

Think you know all about the people who are reading your marketing emails? How much of what you "know" about them is based on assumptions? The strongest buyer personas are based on insights you gather from your actual readership through surveys, interviews, and so on — in addition to market research.

The image above is an example of an email Lindsay Kolowich Cox, former Marketing Manager at HubSpot, received from the brand. It reads like an email from a friend or colleague asking for a quick favor.

Not only was this initial email great, but Matt actually responded to Kolowich Coxs' answers — and his reply was even better. She said, "Within a few days of responding to the questionnaire, I received a long and detailed personal email from Matt thanking me for filling out the questionnaire and offering a ton of helpful advice and links to resources specifically catered to my answers.

I was very impressed by his business acumen, communication skills, and obvious dedication to his readers. The subject line of this email from beauty product subscription service Birchbox got my colleague Pam Vaughan clicking.

It read: "We Forgot Something in Your February Box! This is an excellent co-marketing partnership email. As it turned out, the discount code was actually a bonus promo for Rent the Runway, a dress rental company that likely fits the interest profile of most Birchbox customers — which certainly didn't disappoint.

It gained her attention and delivered some unexpected delight. I also love how frills-free it is — the message is mostly text, making it feel like an email one would receive from a friend.

I have to say, I'm a sucker for GIFs. They're easy to consume, they catch your eye, and they have an emotional impact — like the fun GIF in one of Postmates' emails that's not only delightful to watch, but also makes you crave some delicious Chipotle.

You, too, can use animated GIFs in your marketing to show a fun header, draw people's eyes to a certain part of the email, or display your products and services in action. It centers the product in a fun, attractive way.

Not only that, but it effectively catches my eye, differentiating the message from others in my inbox. But Dropbox found a way to make its "Try out one of our products! Plus, the email remains short and sweet, emphasizing the message that Dropbox didn't want to intrude — it just wants to remind the recipient that Dropbox Paper exists and why it could be helpful.

When sending these types of emails, you might include an incentive for recipients to try out one of your specific products, like a limited-time coupon or a free trial. Every week, the folks at InVision send a roundup of their best blog content, their favorite design links from the week, and a new opportunity to win a free t-shirt.

They give away a new design every week. It also sometimes has fun survey questions to crowdsource for its blog.

For example, one week, it asked subscribers what they would do if the internet didn't exist. Not only is InVision's newsletter a great mix of content, but I also love the nice balance between images and text, making it easy to read and mobile-friendly.

The balance is especially important because its newsletters are so long. If it as text-heavy the risk of losing attention increases significantly. Each message features three distinct sections: one for ingredients, one for instructions, and one for additional recipes.

we have a question for you. I love the simple, guilt-free messaging here, from the endearing egg images to the great CTA button copy.

Not only is the design and copy top-notch, but I applaud the folks at Cuisinart for sending automated unsubscribe emails in the first place. It's smart to purge your subscriber lists of folks who aren't opening your email lists, because low open rates can seriously hurt email deliverability.

The button copy is a pattern interrupt that will prompts recipients to pause and think about which action they want to take: Customize their preferences or completely unsubscribe. When you think of "holiday email marketing," your mind might jump straight to Christmas, but there are other holidays sprinkled throughout the rest of the year that you can create campaigns around.

Download these email marketing planning templates to keep yourself organized throughout the year. Take this email from Paperless Post, for example. Then, the subheader prompts the recipient to use Paperless Post to invite friends and colleagues for a drink.

Below this copy, the simple grid design is both easy to scan and quite visually appealing. Each button is a CTA in and of itself — click on any one of them, and you'll be taken to a purchase page.

Many of us tend to listen to podcast episodes from the same few shows instead of branching out. This email makes quite brilliant use of responsive design. As humans, we tend to crave personalized experiences. You might even feel like the company sending you the email knows you in some way, and that it cares about your preferences and making you happy.

Internet providers and bad weather are natural enemies. You'd think telecommunications companies wouldn't want to call attention to storm-induced power outages — the one thing that sets off customers' impatience.

Then, there's RCN. RCN, a cable and wireless internet service, turned this email marketing campaign into a weather forecast just for its customers.

This "storm update" got the company out ahead of an event threatening its service, while allowing its users to get the weather updates they need from their Wi-Fi provider. The email even advises personal safety — a nice touch of care to go with the promise of responsive service.

It simply offers an update. No promoting, no selling. The recipient's best interests are in mind, and they're setting expectations for something that they may imminently care about.

At the bottom of the email, RCN also took the opportunity to highlight its social media channels, advising customers of another way to stay informed of network outages on channels they may check more than email. I'm a huge advocate of thought leadership.

Some of the best companies gain customer loyalty by becoming the go-to source for expertise on a given topic. Further down in the email, the details of the course are laid out, giving potential students a breakdown of what they can expect to learn. The language is friendly, succinct, and persuasive.

The email uses a friendly tone and a sense of urgency to entice customers to purchase the course. It harnesses the power of social proof to give an added layer of credibility. When Desiree Linden won the Boston Marathon, she became the first American woman to win the race in more than 30 years.

Write for Rights – the life-changing power of words Marketing software that helps you drive revenue, save time and resources, and measure and optimize your investments — all on one easy-to-use platform. com already did a fact check on this story. With progressive profiling, you can gather all the user information you need over time. The image below is a great example of how to seamlessly drive traffic to an external page with a clear CTA. Consumers are smart. But fear not, we've got your back!
Sample campaign trials online


Best digital marketing campaigns (of Last Decade)

Author: Tygogore

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